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RE: Offline

in #leofinance9 months ago (edited)

Hey man, I actually know Joy and spoke well about her and stated how weird it was to see all of this drama happen, and even prompted her to make amends and not let everything she's built go to the toilet because of this. I intro'd my post with the situation and narrated a little bit of what I saw, but I never stated an opinion, just gave an advice at the end on how to solve the whole situation in an easy. So I don't even know what's off mark, if I didn't even have an opinion on the matter 🤣

The only thing we agree is that she's could've handled it way classier and if possible, avoid burning any bridges.

This was my only take on the whole issue, so I'd say we agree on 100%, not 5%, lol

50/50 EIP thingie back then was just so we can anonymize our Hive Power and use most of it for distributive votes.

I am doing exactly this, and yet I still get called out by the people you mention that "I don't have any stake and I should feel bad" xD

We've also seen some comments saying that she's been all take and no give - how can that be true?

In my post, I mention how there are tons of ways of providing value to the ecosystem, not just by holding stake forever.