Aqualis Market User Guide

in #leofinance10 months ago


Hello Aqualiens, to assist new users in getting started with the Aqualis Market, we've developed a user guide detailing the process of purchasing cards through the Aqualis Market.

First, go to our Website

You'll need to go to the website.

Select the Card(s) You Want to Buy

  • Click the checkbox to select a card


Toggle Between DECs/Credits then Click "BUY"

  • If you're using a laptop, you may need to scroll down to locate the "BUY" button. Alternatively, you can zoom out to 80% or 90% for better visibility.


Select Account

  • As there is no need to log in when using Aqualis Market, you'll be required to choose the account for your purchase.
  • Simply click the dropdown button to pick a different account if needed.


All Done!

  • You will receive a 2.8% cashback of your purchase price credited to your in-game account within 30 seconds!

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