Market Minute and 5 DAYS until WILD SWINGS

in #leofinance4 years ago


The DOW continues it's decline adding to it's losses from yesterday. I'm sure the PPT (Plunge Protection Team) will get right up in there and try to prop this shit up.


Gold and Silver had a bounce as many with smart money will buy the dip. The World can say it wants inflation; and it will get inflation. So get YOUR inflation hedge while it's on a discount. I doubt the physical dealers will be giving you any 'discount' on the premium for physical. That's just the way the game is played. If you want to 'trade' then go into COMEX paper. Just realize you will never see the physical if you stay in long enough.


I expected as much with Crypto as many 'traders' want to be liquid. This bull-market will have to pause for the next 5 days to really figure out where things are going. TRUMP win is back into Stock market, and I also believe crypto's.

BIDEN win is a good guess. Depends on what back-room deals he makes with the banks while bringing in a more leftist agenda. More taxes, more hand-outs that will more than likely make the GDP sky rocket even higher.


Money will continue to pool out of the Stock market as rates go 'up'


Little has changed in the DXY (US Dollar Index). I do expect this to rise as we are 5 days away from the BIG election. I remember in 2016 GOLD had WILD swings up and down and many want to be positioned in the dirtiest 'cleanest' FIAT paper mechanism the United States Dollar.