
Oh! I have been sleeping too deep on my task!! That’s very good news!
Best for all!

thank you very much for the information ,have a great weekend

Super fantastic information

Wow wish I have that much Cub. Way to go on your earnings.

thnks for shearing informative post

It's really Great to see you making more CUB! Hope BEST for you and Thanks @coininstant for another fantastic info! 🤗🤗

I still don't have Leo to stake. Poor me, I'll just regret watching you getting rich because of my actions. lol Well, I desperately need money these days. 😐

Impressive. Cool


Thank you very much for the post, have a good day and a great mood

Good luck

Sweet thanks for the chart and the staking value tool.

Yeah the chart went down today, Maybe the surge in traffic? I took a snap shot last night, and one today, the value was down a little because some of the funds charged an entry fee. Also the exchange risk is real loaning out coins! I made a short post about it, keeping track. After I deposit next time I will also take a snapshot for a good benchmark. I think this will prove to be very profitable in the longer run.

Yeah I opened the chart and it wouldn’t load. Hopefully they fix it.

for you

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  • Content-Type : Screenshots and words
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    Thank you @coininstant