The @partitura account has been hacked

in #leofinance3 years ago


Dear Hive Community,

@partitura reached out to me saying that his Hive account has been compromised and the recovery account was changed too. The perpetrator has already started a power down :( All partitura's dreams of financial freedom are gone and he can't post to the community advising what happened. He asked me to share this because we have been participating in the Secrets of Organ Playing Contests by @organduo for a long time now.

I'm not sure what else can be done about this? If so, could you please leave a comment below or contact partitura#3017 on Discord.



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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the April 1st Hive Power Up Day

What are you saying? A person's account has been hacked. Well, you can't change the password. Changing the password won't solve it.

Can we somehow help him recover his account? They have changed the keys.

But how hacker get the master key....

you can restore using master key

recover using this link

I think they changed the master key right away.

But how did the master go to the hacker, maybe the posting or the active key could go, but how did the master get it?

Any how to contact @pa.... On discord

Contrabourdon writes the address in the main text of the post

@laputis and I are very sorry to hear it. This must feel quite a blow to him. I hope he can continue cub farming and will recover lost funds eventually.

A blow it is. Especially since this hacker is now posing as me. Almost feels like rape.

R u inform hive watcher??? I already inform hive watcher team

What went wrong? How can this be avoided in the future?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I advise you to fully restore your operation system. I guess, hacker has the access to all passwords. Put 2fa to all devices and to all sites

Thanks for everybody. Now everything is ok. My Discord account was compromised. Also my telegram was hacked too. Now, Everything is ok. Don't worry. I have an access to my funds too. But i need to transfer it to be sure for it safety.

No, everything is not okay. Hacker is using my account now, leeching of some easy rewards on my reputaion and achievements.

Can you go hive official discord I think you can get back your account @partitura.leo

Everything is ok now. thanks for your help

Can you control your account?? It's just confused...

Hello your master key not work??

Glad to know that everything is ok now

it's not, he lost his account and the hacker is posing as him

Oh... now I understood it...