Hive prices 160524

in #leofinancelast month (edited)


$0.311 (+)

up +0.012 from 0.299 USD, 100 days ago on Feb 6, 2024

[How Many Days?]

$0.986 (+)

up +0.006 from 0.992 USD, 100 days ago


'HBD is currently 7.127 % of HIVE cap'
Up +0.109% from 7.018 % 100 days ago.

As you can see, HBD is still under control.

I used to post Hive price updates more often because the price of Hive was moving however lately the price of Hive has been slow so one update a month became less often, I like to tie all my posts together like the web3 pages they are, so let me just recap my recent Hive/HBD price updates now.

February 6th 2024 Hive prices 060224 0.299 (-) / 0.992 (-)

October 23rd 2023 Hive prices 231023 0.327 (+) / 1.023 (+)

September 18th 2023 Hive prices 180923 0.293 (+) / 0.987 (+)

As you can see, This is a great time to Power Up!


Are you a minnow? A dolphin? a whale?
How much Hive do you need for your web3 vote?

According to HiveStats, my Vote Value is $0.08 at 100.00%.
That is just me with my 2,041.140 HP minus delegations.

image.png <-- New posts <- Top posts <-- Top posts about #Aliens <-- Create a new post <-- Use referral speakfree

Price of Hive - Past 12 months


Circulating Market Cap



Price of HBD

HBD 24h Low $0.9637 – High $0.993


BTC has been rising for the 6 months,
with support around $50,519 after a $73,794 ATH


All time low $0.087309 on April 06 2020
All Time High $3.41 - November 26 2021

Hive Market

Buy 10 HIVE for 3.116 HBD or sell 10 HIVE for 3.122 HBD today.



HBD Marketcap = $12,044,176.697
HIVE Marketcap = $168,989,852.586

Next is

I can see that Hive is averaging around 2723 Content posts per day,
that's down from 2761 but still up from the previous low figure of 2500.


There were over 140,000 Content posts in December 2021 compared to 38,933 so far in May 2024? This trend does not look good team, I have also not posted as much as I did at other times, but there are significantly lower content posts this month, although we are only halfway through it.


Can Hive users post 100,000 Content posts, aka well written blog posts, in June 2024??
Will you accept this challenge? Author a blog every day if you can!

("What should I blog about?")


POWER UP HIVE on June 1st 2024 !

11 HIVE, 110 HIVE, 1100 HIVE! Power up your account!


How much Hive power would you power up if you had as much Hive as you wanted to power up?

[ Swap BTC on SideShift.Ai ]
Donate 5 HBD Donate 10 HIVE
If you like my efforts please consider Delegating
10 HP | 50 HP | 100 HP | 500 HP |1000 HP | 5000 HP

Send SWAP.BTC ! (Sign Up) Follow & Trail
--> How To Start Curating <---
"Stop by the Pizza House anytime!"
(Ask for a slice of PIZZA token!)
Hive White Paper



I'll be posting more as soon as I can get control of my neurological issues on my right arm/hand making it hard for me to type and use a mouse device.

Hey man, check your HBD value up there. I think it may be slightly off.

You! @mirroredspork Are a scholar and a curator of the highest quality,

thank you very much. I had a lot of tabs open and a lot of things going on, but I managed to wrap it up and post. I fixed it and although I am attempting to give an accurate update, this is merely a glimpse across a decentralized and complex network of signals. I hope it gives readers some perspective on what is happening with Hive, it does for me at least. As Hive evolves, we must post about it all to share the knowledge. Let me bestow upon you many gifts of gratitude;



Thanks, man. I always try and full ingest everything that I read on HIVE. Thanks for putting out good content!

@mirroredspork! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ darkflame. (1/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@kerrislravenhill(1/5) tipped @darkflame
darkflame tipped mirroredspork