Comforting With Comfort Food: 40 percent Increase In Sales For Potato Products

Popular comfort foods include meals like pizza, chocolate, ice cream, mac and cheese, chips, and even soup.

Some items are more frequently mentioned than others when you ask people what they turn to for comfort food, with pizza being one of the most popular items for many. It can also depend on the occasion though, because you might be craving something different when you're sick (like soup) than when you're stressed etc.

At least 15 percent of Americans report pizza as being their favorite comfort food

That is closely followed by chocolate, ice cream, mac and cheese, and then chips, hamburgers, steak, and popcorn.

Potato products have also always been a favorite.

From mashed potatoes to salted nacho chips, or french fries from your favorite restaurant, there are plenty of choices. Serve it with chicken strips, fish, or a burger, you'll find a great deal of variety in the food arena.

At the beginning of the year when many businesses closed down it meant that farmers were dealing with a surplus of products, especially potatoes, but since then sales have been strong for this market.

In March alone they saw more than a 40 percent increase in sales for potatoes.

Still today it's one of the most requested items being ordered on delivery apps as well, people are still reaching for that comfort food.

They're cheap, delicious, and some would even that they're a great source of nutrition (though I wouldn't).

In the United States right now it's the most ordered dish for millions. It's not surprising given that they are cheap and generously available in thousands of different places, for ordering online, pick-up, delivery apps, you've got plenty of choices to meet that need. As a result of that retail potato sales have hit record highs in recent months.



In March alone they saw more than a 40 percent increase in sales for potatoes

This could be a very negative leading economic indicator.

Hmmm ... my Irish side is smiling.