Not Enough Firework Freedom

in #leofinance4 years ago (edited)

Today there are many restrictions that remain in the U.S. and elsewhere, regarding the use of fireworks and if you are caught violating these rules it could be a hefty punishment that you face.

Just recently, police in Santa Ana had confiscated thousands of dollars of "illegal fireworks" and we are reminded that while we are routinely told we should be thankful for and celebrate freedom in the U.S., that doesn't include many activities that you or your family might enjoy, including those surrounding the use of fireworks.

Safety is the reason for the limitations, which isn't an uncommon excuse when authorities go about restricting rights in general. It might sound convincing, but people can easily harm themselves while getting out of the bath or going down the stairs, and so limiting freedom for fireworks because of fear over what might happen in the future, doesn't seem like justification enough to trample on natural rights. But they've been restricted nonetheless.

4th of July celebrations

Many people are going to be turning to fireworks to celebrate the upcoming 4th of July holiday, and they might be surprised to find that some of their liberty in the firework market is still greatly limited.

fines not working

Would you be surprised to find out that fines don't prevent many from getting what illegal fireworks they might be determined to obtain?

But for those who do risk setting off what they might not be permitted to, they could face some steep fines that are thousands of dollars.

Across the country, authorities are already issuing warnings to people to stay away from the firework black market.

Not only are many items in this market restricted, but the use of the ones that are permitted are also heavily restricted, to where and when you can set them off.

Even if someone wants to set them off on their own private property, they still need to seek out permission to do that. Police are going to have their hands full of confiscations for fireworks over the coming days.
