Slow Start For Cannabis Market in Virginia

Many people around Virginia favor cannabis change in the form of legalization for recreational and medicinal purposes. Various polls have suggested that over 60% would agree with the change or more.

Eventually the push for legalization would win to some extent.

Virginia became the first state in the South to approve of cannabis use for adults. But how long would it take for sales to be launched?

Just recently, the Virginia senate voted against an amendment that would have regulated cannabis in different ways which some said would've moved this market forward even if the rules up for debate were controversial. Many are waiting for them to speed up that process and look to start selling in the state.

It is time to move forward and stop going backwards over cannabis prohibition.

It seems like different legislators might have tried to prevent a cannabis market from forming with their delays, even though this change has already come into play.

It is one thing to announce the change that cannabis will be legalized but setting up the market for marijuana itself is another struggle altogether, and some regions take longer than others.

Starting a cannabis business

It was expected that perhaps Virginia wouldn't see this come to full realization for several years, perhaps not until 2024. It shouldn't take several years to sort out how people can make simple and peaceful exchanges but that is what they're dealing with in Virginia at the moment.

Individuals who could use and seek value from cannabis products shouldn't have to wait years for their freedom to make those exchanges.

Unfortunately this is what some must suffer with for market circumstances though because of the coercion that others insist on injecting into the mix.

If legislators in the region are still looking to highly restrict cannabis products to the point of arguing over what shapes those products should be allowed to be produced in then it doesn't seem like legislators are doing this for the freedom and wellbeing of Virginians whatsoever.




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Keep us posted. As a person where cannabis is still prohibited, I am interested in how this would end.
Thank you for sharing.
