Will Second Hand Stores Survive? New Changes Coming To Thrift Stores

I love going to the thrift store and going on a treasure hunt for some incredible deals. Over the years I have found quite a few good deals, good quality items that other people considered just junk. I have scooped up things like fans, frying pans, and other items.

What Will Become Of The Thrift Store Post COVD-19?

With many regions now reopening for business, what is this going to mean for thrift stores? Will people ever want to go in and shop there again.

For anyone who had already visited a thrift store prior to the economic shutdown, it's hard to think why anyone would be under the impression that those items didn't need cleaning once you would grab them from the shelf. These are second-hand items and they are not cleaned when they are dropped off. Sometimes you can see stains, smell cigarette smoke etc, so anyone who would regularly visit these stores should already know that washing what you buy when you get home is probably the best idea.

New Changes

For thrift stores that are going to be opening again soon, there are going to be a few changes. One of them is that donated items to any thrift store should be laundered and dried before ending up on the shelf. This is going to add significant costs to the thrift store businesses that are around today. The cost to wash those items might end up making it more expensive to buy and decrease your reason for going in the first place; to find a good deal on something.

If they cannot wash the items, another recommendation is that any items which cannot be laundered must then be cleaned and disinfected in some other way, after which they are to be isolated for 72 hours before those items can be placed on the shelf to be sold.

If they don't make these changes, are people going to stop going to second hand shops altogether to avoid any contact with potential viruses and bacteria etc? , I think enough people were well aware that this was a risk to begin with and not much will change because many people will always love a good deal and a good treasure hunt to find it.



The amount of changes that are taking place to deal with what we were served up with is truly astounding.

The noose of control is tightening. Many corporations are signing onto this assault since they know they will profit. Sadly, they do not realize (care) what they are doing to people's freedoms.

Posted Using LeoFinance

This COVID-19 is killing a lot of business, or at least putting them to a coma. It was like it's not enough that the restaurants and hotel sector was hit hard by the plandemic but now you can't even dress properly on a low budget :)) From what I researched on the internet the virus can't even survive on things, any thing, so the measures they try to impose on second hand stores are absurd. It's more absurd that nobody asks for studies and simply accepts these abusive measures.

gov knows best :) they keep us safe and protect our culture 😭😭😭can't you see

Oh yeah... I see it. It's obvious :))