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RE: I got suspended from Twitter for bullying Mr T. The future is stupid.

in #leofinance3 years ago

Your thinking makes sense. I personally hate censorship. We have way too much of the tech censoring what folks say. I would offer my uncensored reply... but in this case, it is not much different. LOL Blessings.


It's a strange, new world. I imagine it like a billboard on the wall at the local shop. How much or how little, if at all, does the shopkeeper censor what can be posted? If the whole point of the billboard is to giving locals a chance to inform other locals; then he shouldn't touch it at all.
Ultimately that should be up to the owner; as its his wall, but it muddies the waters a little if council won't grant shop licences to anyone else, and won't let billboards be posted anywhere else.
Online we have alternatives.