Heruvim78's Cryptocurrency Income Report - December 2023

in #leofinance5 months ago

I got some hope for the new all-in-one app from Elrond, I even bought some more EGLD to stake, trying to create some more passive income. I have a plan for the rest of the year to buy more GLX, HBD and Hive. I am also thinking of using Freetrade to buy some fractional shares using my crypto rewards, to build some momentum (ideally 10K as an emergency fund).


Publish0x - $14.72 in OP and ETH this month.

Read.cash/Noise.cash - $0 (not very active in here this month)

Hive blog and Hive portfolio and layer2 blogs (Leofinance, SPT, UTOPIS, LENM, LBI, BRO, POB, DHEDGE, ARCHONM) - basically I got 83.19$ in HIVE and HBD.

Torum - I stopped to check them for now. There is some profit, but not that much if you are not active every day.

TOTAL - $97.91 (gained HIVE Layer 2 tokens not included)

Play2Earn - blockchain games

Splinterlands main account - $295 from all sources: SPS Airdrop (finished now), DEC, CREDITS and Vouchers, (paid by the licence node), from playing games too.

Axie Infinity - 15 RON,1AXS - $37.67

Polkamon - Polychain Monsters - some PMON staked, not much for now. A bit confused about what is happening in there.

Cryptobrewmaster - stopped playing it.

Risingstar and Golem Overlord - STARBITS and Golem native tokens sold -

0 Hive - $0, but I did buy 24 packs on Risingstar game

Wombat Dungeon Master - NFT staking game - 352 WOMBAT - $2.14

TOTAL - $334.81


Celsius and BlockFi - bankruptcy filed, withdrawals stopped, the rewards stopped now, so all that I have to do is to see if I can recover my funds from there (my estimate is 1-2 years waiting time)

BSC blockchain - PancakeSwap and Mobox.io (BSC) pools - $19 MBOX for now, didn't take the rewards yet, 1 CAKE - $2.77= $21.77

Kucoin - Interest KCS and monthly rewards in SUI, ROOT and RPK- $919.60

Binance - $0.31 this month, I got a bit of FUD and I did slowly moved most of the interest bearing crypto on other accounts

Coinbase - 2 XTZ most of them bought - $2.18

Crypto.com - 13 CRO - $1.28

Zen node - 0 ZEN - $0 - no node, just some automatic faucets.

Maiar (Elrond staking) - 0.25 EGLD - $17.21 from staking with 9% APR and no impermanent loss involved, mostly bought. They just launched a new improved all-in-one app. Check it out.

Presearch Node - sold all the PRE collected and stopped the node, exchanged in ETH to put some on Across Bridge for better returns.

ACROSS protocol - 923 ACX - $140.80. Across is one good place to provide liquidity for the bridge, as you get not only a good interest, but also its native tokens as bonus on top of it. Check UMA Protocol to see how they make this bridge safer than other bridges, using Optimistic Oracles.

I am also quite active on Discord, assisting the UMA and ACROSS teams, check them in there if you want to learn a bit more, and if you like to spot hidden gems long before they become well known. (This is one of my well guarded secrets).

ACS staking on Solana - 200 ACS - $0.61

Contests: 73 UMA, 250 FORE - $180

TOTAL - $1283.76

TOTAL crypto income in December - $1716.48(£1348)

A simple strategy for 2023:

Increase my Hive portfolio to 55K Power up, then until it generates $50 daily via curation, which I will delegate to save time. Focusing on Hive next, for this year and 2024, in order to get a big enough retirement pot, as I can completely automatize everything on Hive Blockchain to do the hard work without my involvement, so I can just write about what I like when I like. Save more stablecoins to reach the final emergency sum of 100K in stablecoins. Getting 5000 CAKE staked on Pancake Swap seems a faraway dream so I may focus on some mutual funds and shares maybe. Buy some of the spare cryptos from my list (last month I got 1000 HBD and next will be the 30k RADAR).

Projects to follow up in 2024:

Hive - 9.65% completed
Across - 5.38% completed
Shares Account no.1 - 16.4% completed
Shares Account no.2 - 9.08% completed
Cash emergency fund - 68.11% completed

All the best,


Why not...

...have fun and win rewards on my favourite blockchain games (Splinterlands- Hearthstone-like card game) (Mobox_ - GamiFI NFT platform) (Wombat Dungeon Master - NFT staking game) and (CryptoBrewmaster - Beer factory sim)._

_...Get ETH while writing on Publish0x blog, using Presearch search engine to maximize your income with PRE tokens. Use Torum instead of Twitter . I am also writing for crypto on __Read.cash _and Hive.


Very well done buddy, I need to start keeping track again as well. I keep grinding but I do not have a clue what it adds to my balance sheet. You must have significant holdings on Kucoin to get that result. Maybe I should buy back into KCS a bit as well.

Thanks for the inspiration.

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