Organic Curation report - Week 24, 2023

Hello Lions! As you know, we are focusing a lot of resources into making our curation a vital part of Leo's growth with a long term mindset, and to do so we want to encourage Lions to compose top notch publications on Leo and reward quality in our platform.

Long Form posting is part of the core of Leo which is why we've decentralized curation to a point where we have ten different Lion curators finding amazing articles on on a daily basis.


Quality is subjective, but we've come up with a series of metrics or parameters to increase the chances of one of your posts getting picked by one of our curators

Transparency is vital for Leo, so this is our process for Organic curation:

1- Our curators will browse Leo and find amazing pieces.

2- The curator drops the link to the post in the Organic curation channel on the Leo discord server.

3- Another curator will assess the post vs our curations metrics in the post linked above and will determine the % of the vote based on this.

Manual curation

We want to give everyone publishing on Leo a fair chance of getting curated, so as long as a Lion creates amazing content on a regular basis, odds are one of our curators will eventually find one of these top quality articles.

Here is Leo's Organic curation report, week 24, 2023.


June 9

June 8

June 10

June 12

June 13

June 14

June 15

June 16

We want to thank all these authors for publishing amazing content on Leo, keep it up!

If you are creating amazing content and haven't been curated in a while, don't worry, keep composing great articles and one of our curators will surely find you!


All rewards generated from this post will be used to reward our Threads curators @vempromundo, @alokkumar121, @idiosyncratic1, @tsunsica, @l337m45732, @tokenizedsociety, @niallon11, @bitcoinflood, @anomadsoul, and @finguru. The payout of this post is set to 100% Hive Power as proof of our long term mindset, so spare a vote to help us support our curation program!



@leo-curation! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @bradleyarrow. (10/50)

Fantastic picks!

Great to catch up with majority of great posts on LeoFinance ✌🏼

Thanks for the hard work of the team!

Glad to see more authors sharing their post on Twitter threads, thanks for encouraging authors to put more efforts in their post as well.

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Your next target is to reach 50 replies.

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This is amazing, kudos.


so the staked based curation isn't active anymore?