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RE: How to make a killing in the markets long term! 100% works

in #leofinance2 years ago

I keep buying more starbits. For now I am staking them in records, by the time I get to level 50, I will see how close I am to the million.

I hadn't gotten blogging rewards in a while, so I have been very happy to move things around.

I staked on a new record today, I hope it gets lots of sales.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


the staking on records is an awesome feature. do you know if it helps the artist as well?

Artists have to pay 120,000 starbits to upload their NFT and then it sells 25 times.

I am not sure if this makes them a profit or not.

My husband is a musician and I am looking for a song my kids and I recorded once upon a time.

I have one of the MP3's ready so I'll be able to tell you first hand if it pays or not.

I suspect that its "for exposure" and fun more than anything, since your song gets played on the rising star radio.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

oh that’s around $25 or so. not cheap, but you could market it and then if it is a good stond make a profiti hope.

The exposure and getting play time on the risingstar radio is cool.