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RE: Bill gate wage war on Tesla stock

in #leofinance2 years ago

Quote "Tesla stock is a promising stock which I don't think anyone should have short position on ,I still remember when this stock was still less than $1k,this is a good investment"

Nope. Can't be a good investment. Elon Musk is involved in Neuralink, and wants to connect us, our minds, our bodies, to some sort of Artificial Intelligence controlling us. We shouldn't cooperate with their plans in any way. They declared war on our species, and they're trying to take over our planet.
In a billion years, we never had less CO² in our atmosphere than we have now. Carbon dioxide is plant food, we need much more of it. It would make our deserts fertile. And what's with nitrogen? I don't think reptiles tolerate nitrogen too well, do they? The research has been done, and it has been remote viewed, they are reptiles. The movie, They Live (1988) was a documentary, says Rowdy Roddy Piper who plays the protagonist. There's a lot of truth in other movies as well, such as The Matrix. But if the world was flat or if we would live in a simulation, there's nothing we can do with such information, so it does not matter.