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RE: General Election in only 47 days!

in #leofinancelast month

It was actually a pretty smart move (I mean, in context of everything being terrible):

  • Surprises Labour and Reform before they have their manifestos ready, rush jobs necessary

  • Summer time less youths will be voting, most will be going on holiday and enjoying the sun. The elderly tory voters more likely to still vote.

  • July will be before we get certain ONS Data released which will be abominable for the tory party, as well as the conclusion to their rwanda plan. If they had a later election, they'd have to contend with those two shitstorms.

  • Things are actually, in a brief snapshot of time, faring better than they were before, and better than they will be in short order. With the lower inflation rate among some other things.

  • With the last point in mind, he doesn't want to leave it too long before people start discussing other campaign issues outside of economy, their main schtick. If people start discussing more things like the corruption, the decaying military, the broken police force, and everything else, they'd be in even more trouble.

  • Illegal immigration tends to be highest in the summer time due to better boating weather. Best to be re-elected before people start seeing those numbers.

  • A handful of other reasons

Better to get in power again quickly

It's all exceptionally snide and shrewd, and has no basis whatsoever in any attempt or even desire to make the country a better place. It's all just calculating a manipulation of the people to maximize chances of success.

Feels real dirty.


Calculating manipulation; isn't that the dictionary definition for the word government?

Spot on haha