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RE: More Families Looking For Build-to-Rent Homes in Texas

in #leofinance2 years ago

Unless there is an option to but then it's only going to cost you money in the long run.

Rent is the greatest waste of money that most people ever have in their life and buying a house should be the number 1 priority.

At least if you buy it then all of the money that you pay is going back towards your pockets over time.

Either rent it out or sell it to get a return on your investment but paying rent to somebody else is dead money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


owning isn't for everyone, especially for those who like to be mobile and move frequently, or who don't want the hassle of maintenance,.. owning also doesn't guarantee you will be able to make your payments and many have and could lose their homes and then as you say you 'end up with nothing' anyways even after paying for X amount of time,... when you rent you aren't wasting money at all in that you are paying for a service in a sense and that service is a roof over your head. It isn't like you are getting nothing in return for your money.

It's not for everybody but if you can do it in my opinion then you should.

Even if you want to move at some point you can rent to other people that will pay your mortgage for you or sell to get your money back.

Rent money is dead money when you are paying for a service that cost more than the alternative.

it might be different in your country at the moment but over here it would cost 1500 - 2000 euros per month to rent a 4 bed house.

The mortgage on that house would be about 1000 Euros.

By buying you are paying less than rent every month and if you sell then you can get that money back from the sale. Or rent it out for 2000 and pay the mortgage while still having a profit every month.

It's a no brainer if you can put together the deposit and get that first house bought.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta