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RE: I got suspended from Twitter for bullying Mr T. The future is stupid.

On the F word book I once lightheartedly said, "You people are so full of shit." No angry tone in my mind. Just acting the same way I'd be with my friends and family while we're sitting on the deck shooting the shit over cold drinks and food. It didn't even occur to me that in under two minutes I'd be receiving a notification from team zucker, and they wanted to tell me my words were deleted because I was acting superior and being hateful.

Robots take everything literally.


Ah, but what if you had said "You are overflowing with human excrement" instead? Doesn't have quite the same ring to it but I wonder if the bots would have noticed then...

It's worth a try.

Tone doesn't translate into text at all well. Hence the proliferation of smiley faces. If you know the crowd, and they know you; then there's a lot more goodwill to give your words context. Robots don't do context, and treat us all as if we were strangers. Mr T and I might be strangers, but he wouldn't have taken that quote as an incitement to throw himself off a bridge or in front of a train, because he understands context.

Context is important. Intention as well. Satire and comedy in general is taking a beating these days. That's sad because I feel it's an important artform.