Selling My HBD For Hive Now

in #leofinance10 months ago

For a while now, I've been adding the HBD I earn from posts to my savings. 20% on a stable dollar is definitely attractive. But with the crypto crash we've had in the last couple of hours, accumulating Hive is starting to look a whole lot better now.

At the current exchange rates, 1 HBD = 3.5 Hive. My own assessment of fair value is that Hive should be someone around 2 to 2.5 Hive. So that presents a 40% to 75% upside. Which looks pretty attractive compared to the 'risk free' 20% that's available on HBD.

So with the upcoming post rewards, I will be converting the HBD portion to Hive and powering up. If we get some positive news flow regarding the Bitcoin ETFs or economic news out of China, this could reverse pretty fast. Otherwise, it might get drawn out over months but over the long term, I believe Hive prices below 30c are good for accumulation.

Looking at the charts, 28c is about the lows over the past year. We tend to bounce from this levels but there's a decent chance we hit 25c as well. And if we drop even below that towards 10c, I will add some fiat in.


Yay! 🤗
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