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RE: How to make a killing in the markets long term! 100% works

in #leofinance2 years ago

I'm holding Polycub, Leo and HBD. The prices are a good buying opportunity. I just have a feeling that Leofinance have got it right. They literally working around the clock pushing out new development and features almost daily. Since I am buying crypto, there's no better place to. Transaction fees are almost free or nearly, about from rc !

Posted using LeoFinance Mobile


I would allocate them like.

50% HBD
40% LEO
10% polyCUB

I would not buy polyCUB because you can earn it for free with either your LEO or HBD or both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And the LEO team has been working constantly and consistently for years now.

They keep setting out road maps and meeting (most) of their marks.

They have made major mistakes and then made them right.

When you stay with a team long term, you don't have to do a bunch of research, because you have been living through the research.

And LOL. LONG time in crypto is a couple of years, pretty crazy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta