Celestia - The Modular Data Availability Network That Started The Bull Market

in #leofinance6 months ago

Celestia is a newly launched modular data availability network that securely scales with the number of users, making it easy for anyone to launch their own blockchain. Therefore, Celestia is a network of chains not a blockchain.

But why this hype around Celestia? The network is built on the Cosmos SDK and stands as the pioneer modular blockchain network that enhances verifiability in proportion to the number of users. The main focus is to allow the users to effortlessly launch their own blockchain with minimal setup requirements.


The Celestia mainnet will consist of rollups that use the network as data availability and consensus layer. The capability of the network nodes to download transaction information and store the information will scale to the needs of the users.

Celestia operates as a public chain, recording transaction history and ensuring data accessibility, with the ability to deploy your own blockchain in minutes. The dynamic scaling is unlocked by data availability sampling, and the number of user will not impact the speed of transaction. Developers can use Celestia to build sovereign rollups, the type of self-governing blockchain with minimal platform risk.


The top attributes and unique features were not the only reasons for the hype! The $TIA airdrop also fueled Celestia's growth, with a total of 576,653 addresses meeting the criteria for claiming.

The eligibility criteria was mixed, with most of the eligible claimants being developers, leading Ethereum rollup users, early adopters, or individuals who have staked over $75 worth of $ATOM and $OSMO.

The "Celestia Genesis Drop" allocated 7.4% of the $TIA total supply, and another interesting thing is hidden in the paperwork! Their documentation suggests that another 12.6% will be set aside for "Future Initiatives", which sounds like airdrop 2.0 to me!

And somehow... I was eligible for the $TIA airdrop! Checked the page out of curiosity, and I was surprised that I was eligible for this one... considering I never interacted with Cosmos, ATOM and all the other things.


Went deeper with the check, and I discovered that my eligibility was due to being an Early Adopter of Ethereum Rollups. The top 50% active users of the top 10 rollups by TVL on L2s where snapshotted on Ethereum block 16308181. Another criteria was to have a minimum balance of $50, which was a bit random. To be honest... 90% of the airdrops are random!

The eligibility was determined across three levels of activity score, with eligibility on-chain activity and weighing outlined in the Genesis docs. Not only I was eligible as an early adopter, but I was on a higher tier as well. My on-chain activity and presence on rollups ranked me on the top 20% users.

Checked the estimated airdrop and I was informed that my minimum allocation will be 71 $TIA. I had to install the Kplr wallet and submit the Celestia wallet. Let's welcome the airdrop season!


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Got nothing in there.



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