The Man Of Tomorrow #13 - Helping Content Creators Through Access

in #leofinance23 days ago

CoinGecko is the world's largest independent cryptocurrency data aggregator with over 11,000+ different cryptocurrencies tracked across more than 600 exchanges. It was founded in 2014 by Bobby Ong and TM Lee, evolving and delivering insights, cryptocurrency reports and newsletters. It was through Coingecko that I received my Access airdrop.

I used thousands of candies to claim three airdrop packs, and received more than I expected. I was supposed to receive 8500 $ACS, but I found 14,821 $ACS tokens in my Phantom wallet. The value was decent, over $230 with $ACS above $0.016 per token.


The Access crypto vision was appealing, offering a new model monetization layer for all digital content creators. By integrating Access Protocol on their site, the creators can paywall and enable premium content to their supporters. This enables all digital media companies to prioritize user experience and realigns creator incentives. The $ACS rewards are split between users and creators incentivizes, and the consumers are rewarded for supporting their favorite creators.

The project was backed by some big names, and was already listed on the top exchanges. I thought Access has potential for long term growth and decided to explore the opportunities.


The airdrop was locked for one year, and I was able to claim the 8500 $ACX tokens on the 15th of February. Time flies in the Cryptoverse, and one year was like a tea break for a crypto veteran like me.

The locking mechanism was interesting, as the user retain ownership of the tokens and will receive daily shares of ACS. I constantly claimed the rewards and staked them back, earning even 90 ACS per day on peak days. Now that my tokens are unlocked, I had the sell dilemma. I decided to hold as the price dropped drastically since 2023, and it's pointless to cash-out after holding for twelve months.


Meanwhile, I earned more ACS through Coinbase Earn missions. I read, answered questions and received ACX tokens, then locked them for another reward. Another big bunch of ACS once I staked 1050 ACS in the WU pool, and more daily rewards.

I wanted to stake into a different pool, and chose the WU blockchain for no real reason. This was founded by Colin Wu, with the aim to focus on crypto news from Asia. Let those rewards stack-up!


I always aim for efficiency, and sent the stash from Coinbase to Phantom. I decided to spread the holdings in two pools, adding bourgeois to the existing Coingecko farm. The digital artist has been featured in Time Square NYC, Belgium and China... and will drop NFTs to those that staked into the pool.

I am staking for a while and didn't received any drops! Maybe I am a small fish in a big pond! However, my ACS stash keeps growing... and I am currently holding over 77,000 tokens. Waiting for the project to bloom, as the current stash is worth only a little more than the value of the initial airdrop!


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Residual Income:

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Cashback Cards: Plutus Card /

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Creators bundle: Publish0x, Hive & Presearch

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