Using Bitcoin Cash From Meme Competition To Power My Binance Portfolio

in #leofinance9 months ago

You probably still remember the curious case of the meme competition that made claiming the prize as hard as escaping from Alcatraz! Yes... the ghost competition where the organizer tried to trick the winner, changed the rules, prize distribution and invented a deadline for the claims!

I am pleased to say that almost all the 40 winners were able to do the IQ level 9999 tasks and claim the prizes. The social media storm I created was so efficient that we received what we were entitled.


Will leave aside the bad character showed by the organizer, and will focus on the technical aspect of the event. I am not a normie, but no crypto wizard either... but this staff was as hard as it can get!

I had to decrypt and understand how the scalingcash platform works, sent BCH to the derived cash address, and deploy the Gold PVM token! Set the $gPVm maximum supply to 10,000 tokens and paid the fee, confirmed and waited for the transaction to be written on the blockchain. In less than an hour I had my own internet magical money.


I was able to mint my token after another gazillion of completed steps and tasks, including a visit to the laptop to click a pop-up bar that was invisible on the mobile app.

I sent 15% of the supply to the organizer, and patiently waited for the LP to be created. This was the part when I was told I am too late and I will get nothing, but still received my prize after a "change of heart" and a less Karen attitude.


The LP was visible after few days, on another platform. The action moved to fexcash, where I wasn't able to burn the LP. I was told by the helpful devs that only the user that creates an LP can burn it, and the only option was to sell my share of the tokens.

I was able to sell 8,500 $gPVm for 0.846 BCH, because 1,500 tokens were locked in the LP. Having 85% of the prize was better than having nothing, and I was almost happy. It took only 9 days and several dApps to claim the biggest slice of the prize.


The next step was to send the BCH to Binance, and build up my BNB stash. Being able to take part in the Binance Launchpad and Launchpools makes $BNB a good asset to hold.

I sent small amounts of $BCH on both Binance and Bitcoin.Com to make sure the money arrives safetly. The Bitcoin Cash arrived in less than 30 minutes in my Bitcoin.Com wallet and after 6 hours on Binance.


The 0.84 BCH finally arrived on Binance, after another set of transactions, and I was ready to invest. I want BNB and bought 0.9 to round it up to a full coin, and increased my share of $AVA. I see a great future in Travala, and I plan to use it more often for crypto-powered travel.

Wanted something fresh in my bag, and decided to give ID a try. Not sure how the domain sector will evolve in the future, but was one of the options I wanted to explore.


I said above that the FexCash devs were helpful, and it wasn't sarcasm. They worked on a solution for the remaining 15% of the tokens, and in few days they implemented a way to burn that locked LP.

Got 0.15 $BCH after burning, and sent them to Binance for another round of portfolio diversification. Swapped for TUSD, which can be used for Launchpool staking. The curious case of the meme competition can now be archived!


Residual Income:

PVMihalache Amazon Books

Play2Earn: Upland / Splinterlands / ++Doctor Who Worlds Apart++

Get Plutus Card - 3% cashback on everything + Perks

CEXs and DEXs: OKX / Biswap / Binance / /

The fountains: PipeFlare ZCash, GlobalHive ZCash & Get.ZEN

Publishing bundle: Publish0x, Hive/Leo, readcash, LBRY & Presearch



good idea. next time buy some hive or leo to get better result with the curation
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What do you call moving from the west coast to the east coast?
A depression.

Credit: theabsolute
@pvmihalache, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of
