A Critical Examination of LeoAds and Evergreen Payouts on Hive

in #leofinance6 months ago

To understand this article to the full extent watch the video, since the opinion about LeoAds and Evergreen payouts is based around it.

The following is a short summary about the video:
The recent rollout of LeoAds and Evergreen Payouts on HIV could ignited a significant discourse within the Hive ecosystem. LeoAds, designed to leverage ad revenue for weekly LEO token purchases, and Evergreen Payouts, extending author rewards beyond the conventional 7-day timeframe, prompt a nuanced exploration of potential merits and drawbacks, urging readers to engage in critical contemplation.

LeoAds presents a compelling avenue for revenue generation within the Hive ecosystem by utilizing ad proceeds to purchase LEO tokens. Beyond mere financial gains, this revenue infusion can substantially support ongoing platform development and, notably, provide meaningful incentives for content creators. The randomized buying mechanism inherent to LeoAds is lauded for its commitment to fairness. By shrouding the exact timing of token purchases, it actively discourages manipulative practices, fostering a more equitable distribution of rewards. Furthermore, LeoAds contributes to the sustainability of the LeoFinance platform by establishing a consistent pool for LEO token purchases, thereby maintaining token value and ensuring a stable ecosystem. However, the randomized nature of LeoAds' token buying process raises concerns about transparency. The undisclosed timing of token purchases may instill uncertainty among users, potentially undermining confidence in the system's fairness. Additionally, the weekly acquisition of LEO tokens by LeoAds may inadvertently create opportunities for market manipulation. Sudden, substantial token acquisitions could influence the token's market price, introducing a level of unpredictability that may be detrimental to the ecosystem's stability.

Evergreen Payouts:
On the Evergreen Payouts front, the extension of author rewards beyond the traditional 7-day payout window signifies a significant evolution in incentivizing content creation. Authors now have the opportunity to earn rewards over an extended period, aligning incentives with the creation of content with enduring appeal. By rewarding authors based on monthly views, Evergreen Payouts incentivize the creation of timeless, high-value content, thereby elevating the overall quality of the content hosted on the platform. The system's potential to provide authors with a long-term, sustainable income source represents a positive shift in aligning rewards with content longevity. However, the Evergreen Payout system is not without its challenges. Its susceptibility to potential exploitation by authors creating low-quality content solely for views raises concerns about maintaining the overall quality standards of content on the platform. Additionally, the system's preference for older content may inadvertently discourage authors from focusing on creating fresh, new material, potentially hindering innovation and diversity in the content landscape.

In conclusion, the introduction of LeoAds and Evergreen Payouts on HIV introduces both promise and concerns. LeoAds holds potential for revenue generation, fairness, and sustainability, though transparency and market manipulation concerns warrant attention. Evergreen Payouts offer extended rewards and long-term income potential, but safeguards are essential to prevent system exploitation and encourage ongoing high-quality content creation. The critical analysis and ongoing exploration of these initiatives are imperative to navigate the nuanced landscape and ensure the continued growth and vibrancy of the Hive community.

[Extra] Author appreciation
First of all I want to thank everyone who has voted on my last post, I wasn't expecting it at all and am very grateful for the fact that people want to support me in creating content. Originally I was going to create a reaction to the 2023 hive year end challenge. But due to a low amount of resource credits (RC) I was unable to post it, I scheduled it but still do not have enough RC so I'm kinda forced into creating something else now. If you want me to post more regularly then any form of delegation is greatly appreciated. I am not begging for cash and wouldn't want to receive any either I'd be ashamed if people gave it to me. But right now I am unable to post daily so my opinions won't come tomorrow instead it will be in 2/3 days. As soon as I have more Hive Power (HP) I will upload more regularly. Feel no need to back me and if you vote or just read my blogs I'm happy with that too, I just wanted to share that I have the intend on creating more yet am unable to do so right now. Anyways thank you for the support it really gave me a boost!