Spinvest's weekly earnings and holdings report | Year 03 | Week 27

in #leofinancelast year


Hello, SPIer's. Today is Sunday and we end the SPI week with our weekly dividend payment this evening and every Sunday at 21.00 GMT.

What is SPI?
SPI tokens are growth investment tokens that pay a weekly dividend. They have been circulating for over 2 years, on STEEMHIVE. Mostly sold for 1 HIVE, each token today is worth over 4 times its HIVE issue value and 12x its dollar value. On top of that, token holders receive roughly 8% more SPI's every year from weekly dividends. We raised $13k from issuing SPI tokens for the first year which has been used to grow a diverse portfolio of investments, many of which provide streams of passive incomes. SPI tokens are part ownership of all SPinvest tokens/accounts, assets and income. The price of each SPI token is its liquidation value as SPI tokens are 100% backed by holdings. Handcapped to roughly 94,000, no more can be minted are issued. Adding, hold and compounding has us on the road to major growth and these tokens are still growing in value.

SPI tokens are part ownership in an actively managed fund. We have our hands in over 20 investments with the lion share being HIVE, BTC & ETH. We dont FOMO are chase pipe dreams. Tried and tested works best and is safest. Our motto is "Get rich slowly" and compounding down on sound investments is our game. You should invest in SPI tokens with the mindset of not selling for 3-5 years minimum. Let's have a look at this week's on-chain HIVE earnings.



Earning this week is not great, we normally earn between 400-450 HIVE but only did 350 this week. Content, gaming and other earnings are down a little bit, everything else is about the same.

As mentioned before, i have already started to buy some income tokens on HE to grow our weekly income but this is something that takes time. Buying 100 EDS/INCOME are LABFUND a week only adds a few cents of income each week, it'll grow over time but for now, we don't really see the results.

Still looking into using an AI content producer, I've tried a few trials with different software but all have been very time consuming, others are to expensive and some are just rubbish. Might take a few more weeks but I'll find on and give it a go, I'll throw together a post topic idea post where people can in the comment leave content ideas. Eg, everything that's searableble on Google. The more results, the better the content if that makes sense.



HIVE wallets are sitting fine, the price of HIVE itself has gone almost sideways the past week after last weeks mess with FTX. Our liquid balance is steady as the amount coming in each week is about the same going out. Our HP balance is growing by 45 HP per week from inflation and half our content rewards. The HBD balance is growing only from interest payments at the minute as i leave the HBD from content rewards to sit liquid. If HIVE dips to under 30 cents, i might consider converting. If HBD jumps to $1.10, I'll consider the same. The goal for us is 10,000 HBD in the savings wallet. We have 9129 today so need another 871.

Not much change with HE wallet this week, i sold off some WOO tokens but thats about it.



I converted some of our 4BELT holdings to the EMP/ETH LP and staked it. EMP's peg is low at the minute and i feel that it's a good risk to reward oppuntity. The hope is to increase the ETH amount invested, not so much the dollar value. We have 4.08 ETH invested into this, if EMP can regain peg our position would be worth around 6.6 ETH. If it even go to 0.80, our position would be worth 5.3 ETH. Plus while we wait for the peg to get stronger, we earn a nice APY from it each week. EMP's peg has never been stable, last time its dropped to 0.5 and then bounced to 0.94. Since then it's dropped to 0.60, so it might drop longer but in 1-3 months from now, i think we will beable to convert out with more ETH than we invested.

The new farm i put BUSD/USDT LP into is doing ok. It's growing as i compound down the havests each day/other day. Its earning roughly $17 a day and the reward token price has been stable since launch. Holding our BUSD/USDT LP here for 3 months will pay out roughly $1530 in compounded rewards. Again, its another thing that will take a little time to grow.

JK is still working on building up a bigger SPS balance and pulled his BNB/ESHARE LP this week. His daily payouts from the EMP SPS/BNB LP will help him grow our SPS position. He reinvests back into the EMP SPS/BNB LP 5 days a day and takes out 2 days of rewards to hold in the SPS/BNB pancake LP. Because he is compounding 5 days a week, our daily rewards will increase over time. If Splinterslands can get their finances together and JK compounds and grows our holdings through the bear market, this could be a massive win for us in a few years' time.







We continue to do what we do and stick to the plan. I have been a little slow on launching Royalty rewards but there was a little more to set up than i thought. I now have the lotto excel spreadsheet build and the HIVE template post done. Now i need to do the airdrop template and then write the launch post. I have 80% of the tokens bought i need to do the airdrop. Still collecting names from those that hold over 1000 SPIs.

Apart from that, no plans to introduce anything new over the coming months. I'll be focusing on EDS for a while as it will introduce some new tokens soon to distribute EDS tokens further. For 2023, i'd like to do a monthly group buy for a selected crypto. The project would last for 2-3 years, the idea would be the invest/save into a top 50 ranked crypto picked by the investors each month for 12 months during 2023 and than just sit on it for until 2025 when hopefully we are in the next bull market. I'll sell off all the cryptos and distribute the profits to these that took part. This would be done from the EDS account as it's savings related and i think the saving club shanibeers has built over there would be better suited for this sort of project. Oh, it will tokenless as well, just tracked on a spreadsheet and posted to the blockchain. Oldschool.

I did this for a silver stacking community back in 2018, pre SPI and our best pick was ADA which we bought for under 2 cents. I transferred each person their ADA exactly 2 years after buying them and they were worth 68 cent each. I sold half of mine at that point and the other half when it hit $1.60. I think it peaked at nearly $3. 2023 will be a good year for buying into crypto.

That's 2023, for now, for the next few months we continue to hold some LPs, convert the harvests into stables and grow our pile. I think 2023 will be a good time to start converting harvests into things like BTC/ETH/BNB and DCAing. When we have some black swan event, we convert a big whack of our stable tokens into BTC/ETH/BNB, something we can stake on a farm while holding. Cefi is currently not an option for us. Defi seems to be a lot safer atm.

That's about all I got this week. Dividends will go out in a few hours and I hope you have a wonderful and productive week.



Thank you for taking the time to read through this week's SPI earnings and holding report. We post every Sunday to keep our investors up to date so please follow the account if you would like to track our progress.