AUDIUS: WEEZERS insert their page by releasing a song [EN] - [IT]


center image screenshot from:

[EN] - The American rock band formed in Los Angeles WEEZER release a song on Audius

**[IT] - La rock band americana formatasi a Los Angeles WEEZER pubblica una canzone su Audius **

source: author of the post

On July 7th AUDIUS announces that WEEZER will release one of their songs on AUDIUS and so it happened.
Link to the announcement on Twitter;

The legendary band of the famous song "Buddy Holly" released the song "Tell Me What You Want". Below is the link to the song:
Weezer now have a page on the AUDIUS platform:
AUDIUS is a blockchain-based project dedicated to music. The music tracks inserted in Audius are not saved on a centralized server but in the nodes of a blockchain based on an open source protocol. This will ensure that the metadata associated with the files will always remain safe and uneditable.
Today the token value is at $ 1.03. The token reached a value of $ 4 in March 2021, then plunged to a low of $ 0.7.
The Desktop version is available today. From this version you can view your wallet address. To view the address, click on the 3 dots on the left "...", then on the "Audio & Rewards" option and then on the option on the right "Receive $ Audio"

I believe that the pairing of blockchain and music will be a winning pairing. The blockchain can help both authors and listeners. Audius is a project designed to do this. To date, many functions are not active, such as rewards. I expect further developments in the coming months.

What do you think of Audius?

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Il 7 Luglio AUDIUS annuncia che i WEEZER rilasceranno un loro brano su AUDIUS e così è avvenuto.
Link all’annuncio su Twitter;

La leggendaria band del famoso brano “Buddy Holly” ha rilasciato il brano “Tell Me What You Want”. Qui di seguito il link al brano:
Ora i Weezer hanno una pagina sulla piattaforma AUDIUS:
AUDIUS è un progetto basato su blockchain dedicato alla musica. I brani musicali inseriti in Audius non sono salvati su un server centralizzato ma nei nodi di una blockchain basata su protocollo open source. Questo garantirà che i metadati associati ai file rimangano sempre al sicuro e non modificabili.
Oggi il valore del token è a 1.03$. Il token aveva raggiunto un valore di 4$ a Marzo 2021, poi è precipitato fino ad un minimo di 0.7$.
Ad oggi è disponibile la versione Desktop. Da questa versione si può visualizzare il proprio indirizzo di portafoglio. Per visualizzare l’indirizzo bisogna cliccare sui 3 pallini sulla sinistra “...”, poi successivamente sull’opzione “Audio & Rewards” e poi sull’opzione a destra “Receive $Audio”

Credo che l’accoppiato blockchain e musica sarà un'accoppiata vincente. La blockchain può aiutare sia gli autori che gli ascoltatori. Audius è un progetto proiettato a fare questo. Ad oggi molte funzioni non sono attive, come ad esempio le rewards. Mi aspetto ulteriori sviluppi nei prossimi mesi.

Cosa ne pensate di Audius?

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New technologies have advanced and continue to advance, projects like this look very good, I think it is a winning project, like video games, they involve people and that makes them more attractive and enjoyable.

I agree with what you wrote, the only problem with Audius is that the AUDIO token runs on the Ethereum blockchain and is currently unusable. The Audius idea is a winning one.

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I had the suspicion! Thanks @arcange for letting me know. What a pity that my post is ruined by these people.

Vote And Earn 100 HIVE

Hay This is Lyon89

This is not a scam or phishing massage. Many user are trying to be the witness for more weekly passive earnings, So i want to inform everyone that i will pay everyone who vote me 100 Hive. Hope you guys support me as a witness. This voting is open for 48hrs so vote now: CLICK HERE

lyon89 is a hacked account ❗❗ [1], [2], [3]
@stefano.massari please do not click on any links it may post. More info: 1 | 2.  Sincerely, @keys-defender.

@lyon89 recover your account using your recovery account: > "Recovery account"
Comment 10% downvoted to make it less visible. This message is self-voted to be more visible among others.

Thanks @keys-defender for letting me know. I didn't like an off-topic comment in my post, now I know what to do.