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RE: SPinvest club vote for "How to use BroVest proceeds"

in #leofinance4 years ago

Power it up.

Giving to charity gets us into a discussion as to which one, what do we agree upon, etc....

This is an investment club and building more HP is at the foundation of our existence. That is our starting point so having some of the newer projects feed into that once in a while is a good thing.

Powering up helps every single SPI token holder in a small way.

Plus, half the take is already going to charity.


i agree, that we should stick to our mission.
2nd idea
If we would help charity and the ecosystem, we should power it up, establish an Hive account for a charity-organization of choice (handing over the keys) and lease out the power to this new formed account. Also charity should work with the donated value and generate returns. We should not forget to sell the idea that has brought us together here...

This the what I would vote on but I'm not gonna vote.

The idea from the beginning was to power it all up. Sorta offering the option to save face a little, lol.

100,000K by year-end is a nice target