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RE: ONLY 24hrs Left to buy XV Token | Last chance to get in at ground floor price!

in #leofinancelast year (edited)

Glad I saw this, just in time!

Unless hive engine is still borkt on my end, I'm dropping all my liquid Hive on this. It's not a lot, but over 100 is at least a good little bankroll for now.

I was the first SPInvest Whale, cashed that out to Gold and then bought more later. So I KNOW that @silverstackeruk is basically better than Warren Buffett when it comes to Crypto 👌👍🏻👆
He has made me more money than old Buffay EVER WILL 😹😹😹


Happy days, glad you seen this as well and got some.

Buffet missed out big time skipping on crypto, lol

Yes he did, Mr. SPINVEST!

I ended up with 424 XV at the introductory price. Here's to MANY MORE!!
I promise to HODL until Maturity this time!! 💯