
It may look like dirt to our unaccustomed eyes, but it is much cleaner than the air in big cities that we breathe every day! a little mud and common dirt is not real dirt compared to the dirt we leave on the planet!

True! I was looking to take nice clean pictures of the mushrooms, but then I looked closer and saw that they were dirty. I was immediately disappointed. I'm glad I took the pictures anyway. It doesn't hurt to get a little dirty now and then

Yeah. Is our duty to make sure it is kept clean always. The #cleanplanet community even reward honest cleaners who do their best in keeping the earth clean.

So whenever we see our earth being littered with dirt we should clean it.

Excellent idea! Keeping the earth clean will benefit us all

earth cleanse itself naturally. It never get dirt despite all our efforts and activities that promotes dirtiness to affects its zones but it keep cleansing it as new. That's the greatest ability of the earth, if not nobody will live here

This is a good point. The earth does have natural processes to maintain itself thriving and new

nature is so beautiful, these mushrooms are nice but they do not look edible in my eyes..... are they edible or not?

I don't know if the mushrooms are edible or not. I didn't want to try them just in case :)

Another great view out there. Are those mushrooms edible?

This looks so amazing. Mother earth has a way of looking beautiful as well