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RE: Lemon Scented Tea Tree - Aussie Native.

in #leptospermum6 years ago


A beautiful Australian native tree with a shrubby habit.The new foliage is copper/bronze color. It has many small white flowers that decorate the tree in early summer. The leaves when crushed have a beautiful citrus scent.

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The soft, pendulous branches bear long, slender leaves that start coppery, then turn green.The small, white flowers are pretty but not very conspicuous and followed by woody capsules. Although they prefer full sun they will grow in part shade but will tend to have a more open habit. They will tolerate mild drought and marginal frosts. They are commonly seen in Australian gardens, either as an ornamental feature or as a screen or hedge. Their very fast growth making them ideal for quick screening in new housing areas.They also attract birds to your garden.Otherwise low maintenance ,apart from a trim now and again to keep it tidy and a light sprinkling of blood and bone (or a balance fertiliser for natives) once a year, in spring.
