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RE: Auditory Hallucinations: Music. A Blog Inspired by My Collage for LMAC #71

This collage is a beauty and this post is very, very interesting.
It is painful to know that there are phenomena of perception that can be experienced in such a tortuous way (and are so fascinating that they leave me with a certain taste of guilt).
I have left the music playing while I write this answer and I come back to your article to see again your collage. I would move to that island with its tower (if there was internet, of course ). Maybe the green mermaid-jellyfish would be an interesting neighbor, hehe.... I would keep the tower and every day I would look at those crystal clear waters and the flamingos. The coconut trees are great to hang a hammock and read.
The house on the island is great, hehehe....
Now I'm also tremendously curious about @tormenta's house.
Your last collages have been phenomenal @agmoore. I especially liked the geometric one.
My time has been crazy and I've barely been able to bother to check the posts (although I have tried to see the works, there are some amazing things). I'm very happy to hear that @quantum showed up.
A big hug.


Thank you @adncabrera,

The word community is thrown around a lot on Hive. But here, on LMAC, we do have a true community. The connection between the members grows every time we visit a blog and appreciate each others work. No matter the result of an effort (unless there is no effort), there is always something to appreciate.

Your visit heartens me. I'm sorry you're so busy, but I guess busy is a good thing when many people cannot find work. I'm fond of @tormenta. She has been posting in LMAC for so long now, that I feel I know her. And, her collage was the departure point for my collage. That's community: we nourish each other.

Again, you have a remarkable collage. I saw it in passing last night and will revisit again today with more attention.

Stay well, and good luck in the vote-off today.

A hug to you, friend!