
Where i live, the cheapest is 1.5 usd 30 minutes
Yet, the first 30 minutes is free for everyone

That's a really cool concept. It would definitely make it more accessible to give a free allotment of time.

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We have yellow ones where we live. People are getting annoyed with them.

Nice! I can see how people could get frustrated with them but I personally love the idea especially for a smaller city like Lexington.

Cool that looks perfect shot for the day :D

It looks cool!

Yeah they are everywhere in the city it seems. I can't wait to take one for a spin some time.

Nice :)!

wow, we were syncd up on the rent-a-bike posts!

I just seen that! Great minds eh?

we have similar all over the UK now (off) and seen them in Italy too. They are really useful but so many are vandalised or thrown in rivers!

I hadn't thought about that! I thought about the lines of theft but I assumed the GPS would keep most people away from them. I haven't heard much about them being destroyed but I can definitely see that as an issue. At $1 a bike I'm sure they make enough to offset any damages.

I really hope so! Here are two I found yesterday


:( I hate to see that. People can be so cruel at times and not realize a good thing until they destroy it and need it.

Yeah. It's only the minority though.

miss living there

You used to live in Lexington? Go Cats!

@patrickulrich yes sir, live in Florida now. #BBN for life

@wavyplague I'm so happy to see you haven't adopted the gator chomp! :) Always nice to meet a fellow #BBN follower. :)

great bike

Isn't it? I can't wait to give them a try sometime.

Thank you for upvoting on my post!! :)
Came to follow you :)

You're more than welcome @jisoooh0202! Thank you for the follow.

great photo , I also like the parking sign too x