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in #lgbt3 years ago

###The lgbtq+ and gender pronouns:

My policy is simple: if we allow people to pray to an invisible dude everyday, and don't call them crazy, then we can afford to treat these other guys-turned girls (and vice versa) with respect. And if they want special privleges, it would be inconsistent to say no if we continue to say yes to the religious. (My perspective is from a guy who lives in Italy- here, the christian staff gets a lot of privileges, because history) I would however, appreciate more effort from the lgbtq+ commumity. Like vote a leader, make a temple dedicated to your activities, that sort of thing. Make morals, ethical stories and so on. Untill you do this stuff, other groups won't take you seriously, you will forever be disorganized, and in my opinion, you don't even have the right to be called community, by definition.

Community /kəˈmjuːnɪti/

  1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common
  2. the condition of sharing or having certain attitudes and interests in common.

Like seriously, figure out what you want and make a political party/cult. You could get so many benefits in the long run, because of how humans run politics in most nations: (by vote of the majority) it's easy to abuse. I'd do it myself because it sounds fun, but I'm not gay and I'm a white male, so yeah, I'd get metaphorically shot on the spot.

Also as a side note- if your goal is to convince someone of something, it is your responsability to provide evidence. Saying "look it up yourself" will not accomplish this. Although it is an easy to use attack- you get to call them ignorant without having to state why. Very convenient, although it does have the consequence of making you look stupid to anyone who thinks.

The great covid vaccine debate:

Not a medic. I'm vaccinated.

I decided to get vaccinated because historically it makes sense- we have a plague every 100 years or so, so nothing suspicious there. Also I was ok with vaccines before, so I had no extra reason to not be so now.

The main arguments against the vaccine that I have heard are:
  1. they want to control us (as in our minds)
  2. they want to make us dependant on medicine
  3. it's not safe yet, we are the test subjects
  4. it's made to kill the weak
  5. it's to get under a dictatorship
My personal answers:

** 1.** They don't need to control our brains: between the propaganda on the news and our economic need for work, they already control us. It's too late, we aren't actually free. Haven't been so since egypt if I'm not mistaken. The french tried their best, but failed. As did most of europe in the 1800's. Maybe in the future, if we make robots do the work we don't like while we do the work we want and have a reward system, then we'll be free. Until then, you are already a slave. Don't believe me? Go live on hawaii for 3 years. Go on. What are you waiting for? Cash?

2. We already are. Look at old people/smokers. I suppose an extra drug would indeed mean extra cash, but the backlash once it's found out would be enourmous. We bullied a studio into changing the main protagonists cgi (I'm talking about sonic) could you imagine everyone and their mother attacking 24/7 vaccine producers for making a drug? We don't even allow weed.

3. A valid concern. The current stats say over 3 billion people have taken the vaccine, but there are a lot of different types, so some of them may very well go wrong. I still think the benefits outweigh the risks (for example my girlfriend didn't manage to get vaccinated in time and lost her sense of smell and taste for 8 months) but understand the fear. Still, by the mistakes made on us, at least the next generations will have learnt something from it.

4. The weak don't need help dying. Also old people are valuable to the economy, because they are less likely to hoard and more likely to spend. This is because they feel that their days are counted, unlike young adults, who feel immortal.

5. A lot of adulta I know say this, and I would just like to say- dictatorships don't work. This is because even if you do what's in people's best interest, they will still hate you for it because you take away their lack of choice (try being a teacher for a few days. You will experience this truth first hand). Now imagine doing what's directly against their benefits and take away their lack of choice... Yeah. Nothing will last long. Their best bet is a totalitarian state- here not only do they control us like dictators, they control our thoughts by propaganda. Once again I believe they have already achieved this.

Finally an extra note: What sounds easier? Making a free to have, mind control drug serum and use it to achieve control of everyone and make sure not a single medic in the entire world can figure out how (otherwise they will reproduce the serums effects), or, simply convince a portion of the population that a free vaccine is bad through tv and facebook, so they should pay for regular checkups twice a week (€15 every two days in my country) by bribing a few dozen medics to say half truths to induce fear? Not only does the second option have a motive, it's already historically happened!
Thomas Edison, for example, was in competition with Nikola Tesla because of his wireless currents. You know what he did? Instead of making a better invention (because he couldn't) he destroyed Tesla's reputation, adding stuff how wireless electricity could control your brain and so on. And guess what, now everyone uses wire electricity, and apple gets to make a "new and outstanding, hyper original idea" by making wireless charger phones! That's one example, but the general idea is simple: it's easier to make ignorant people afraid, then super mind controlling-dna altering potions. Yes I'm using the word potions, because if i wrote this in a book, people would laugh at me for not calling the vaccine a potion, just as how they laugh at tv shows for calling zombies anything but zombies.