The Unilaterally Divided States of America

in #libertarian3 years ago

Anyone who follows me, has read my posts, or has had much interaction with me should know I am no fan of either major party in the United States. It’s really no secret that the two parties aren’t that far off when it comes to war, spending, and authoritarianism. The primary differences lie in the how and the what of the war, spending, and authoritarianism.

For example, Republicans say they are for small government but they have no issue with the government regulating whether someone can burn a flag. In fact, they cheered when former President Trump said he wanted to punish flag burners with jail time: Why would an allegedly anti-authoritarian and small government supporting group be in favor of the government jailing protesters for burning a piece of cloth? The Supreme Court ruled in Texas v. Johnson (1989) that the burning of the flag was protected speech which, in essence, means that burning the American Flag is a constitutional right protected by the First Amendment. If President Trump was the candidate trying to preserve constitutional rights, why would he suggest such nonsense?

On the other side of the aisle, we have the Democrats who claim to be opposed to authoritarianism and only want to remain true to the “American democratic process” while also fighting for civil liberties and constitutional rights of all (but mainly everyone other than straight white men). Meanwhile they are proposing yet another bill that would absolutely encroach and violate the civil liberties of the American people: Naturally most of those who follow democrats religiously fully support this measure despite being fully anti-federal use of any power during the previous administration. Current President Biden also has shown his duality with his change of heart from last year regarding travel bans, considering his position that when former President Trump instituted bans they were “racist” and “xenophobic” but now President Biden has chosen to institute a ban to some South American and South African countries himself.

I really love the internet. Moving on….

The point I am driving toward here is that neither party holds to the principles they claim and when they waiver, their base follows suit. This is why I believe both parties actually work together, with the media, to keep the people divided. Despite the fact they might have disagreements they are abundantly aware that a unified populace is a terrifying threat. When I say unified, I don’t mean everyone believing exactly the same thing. What I mean is being unified in limiting the amount of power the federal government, and the politicians who control it (including the Supreme Court) have over the people and the states. So long as we remain divided both parties can vie for “control” to pass the legislations and sign executive orders that pacify their base for a while. Then as the next election rolls around the same tropes start to emerge, everyone gets on edge, the claims of “my side good, your side bad” get even more heated and one side eventually does garner that control for a period of time.

I have a hard time believing this was ever the intent of the founding fathers, and if it was to hell with them. What business does either party have monitoring me or my family? Where is the freedom in that? We pose no threat. John Brennan labeling libertarians as domestic terrorists without a shred of evidence is a disgusting excuse to place use on “watchlists” just because we don’t ride with the status quo. I’m not sure the move going forward, but so long as the two primary parties remain intact there is not much hope for individual liberty. Both parties gamble with our liberties for the sake of power, and I’m not so sure it’s centered on either party acting in its own interest as much as both parties working against the interest of the individual. I won’t give up hope just yet, but something needs to change. Until the next time, be well friends.