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RE: Do not give up essential liberty.

in #libertarian3 years ago

If she doesn't, I do. First, smallpox is a far deadlier disease than the commie cough, so the risk vs. reward is completely different. Second, the efficacy of the CoVID vaccines has been exaggerated, meanwhile the risk has been downplayed. Even the earliest smallpox immunisations (I wouldn't call them "vaccines," because the techniques used in Ben Franklin's day were rather crude) were demonstrably effective, and provided lifetime immunity. The idea behind the Franklin quote is that no-one should surrender essential liberty for temporary safety, which is what the CoVID vaccine provides - it's not the cure that people have been led to believe it is, so IF (very big "if" here) it's going to be mandated, all relevant information needs to be disclosed first, which simply isn't happening. There's a reason that MMR shots are mandated for children attending public school, but annual flu shots aren't. Speaking of which, it's a terrible idea to vaccinate children for the purpose of protecting adults.

But of course, good luck getting the fearful little lemmings to believe that the CoVID vaccine is anything other than an infallible godsend and that stories of people getting hospitalised from it aren't fake news.