XTC - Information (What it is and what it does )

in #lifestyle4 years ago


MDMA (XTC) stimulates the release of certain substances in the brain. This causes both consciousness-changing and stimulating effects. XTC is known as a substance with an entactogenic and stimulating effect. This means that users experience a sense of togetherness and openness and can feel more energetic at the same time. XTC is therefore often used as a 'party drug'.

Here is a nice video on topic. (Use the subtitles setting on Youtube this video is spoken in dutch language)

Happy feeling in love
Want to make contact with others
Lots of talking (talk kick)
Less inhibited
Immerse in music
Hours can dance
Want to cuddle
Sensation of floating


Nausea, sometimes vomiting
Stiffness in arms and legs
Grinding with the jaws (grinding teeth and chattering teeth)
Not being able to pee
Intestinal complaints
Decreased appetite
To sweat
Anxiety or panic
The effect of XTC depends on the degree of use and the location where it is used. In addition, it varies per person and per time. One time you can experience more energy, the other time a more heavy and tingling sensation (in the legs). Most people have greatly enlarged pupils after using XTC. This disappears when the XTC works out. Frequent users will experience less the 'feeling in love' and especially the stimulating effect. This has to do with the depletion of certain substances in the brain. Swallowing then makes little sense. The only thing that happens then is the extension of 'being tight'. The boosting effects then predominate.

You can also experience some hallucinatory effects when using XTC. The higher your dose, the stronger these effects. Well-known phenomena are seeing chairs, standing tables, glasses on faces, while they are not there. Usually people with these higher doses also suffer from nystagmus. Nystagmus means that your eyes move quickly and uncontrollably and can turn away.

The dosage of MDMA that people use varies. Women have less blood than men, which increases the MDMA concentration in the body. Smaller people can also expect more effect. Because people usually do not know what is in a pill, we recommend having XTC tested. Then you know the active ingredient in the pill and the strength. If you know the amount you like, it is easier to determine your dose after testing.

There is no responsible user amount of XTC. At XTC there are always health risks. Look at Tips to limit the risks of XTC. To minimize the chance of (brain) damage, it is advisable to adhere to:

not to use more than 1 or 1 1/2 mg MDMA per kg body weight
not to use drugs more often than once every 2 to 3 months
Certainly if you are sensitive to certain complaints, there is always a chance of negative side effects from XTC.

There are currently many high-dose XTC pills in circulation. In 2017, 65% of the pills were dosed higher than 150 mg MDMA. The highest dosed pill contained 278 mg, in an average 167 mg. Swallowing high doses increases the chance of vomiting, anxiety and panic. You can also become unconscious and there is a risk of a life-threatening condition such as overheating or serotonin syndrome. National figures show that the number of serious medical situations has doubled since the arrival of these strong pills. High-dose pills give more a speedy effect than the typical XTC effect. In addition, you become much less social, you are much more introverted. The Monday / Tuesday dip will also be much larger than with lower doses. By using high doses of MDMA you become less sensitive to the effects of XTC, so you may be inclined to take even more.

MDMA stimulates extra release of serotonin in the brain in particular. The reserves of serotonin are also used by MDMA. In addition, it temporarily blocks the reuptake of serotonin back to the nerve endings. As a result, serotonin levels are temporarily increased in the brain and the reserves of serotonin are depleted. Serotonin ensures, among other things, the happy feeling and the temperature balance in your body. XTC also has an effect on the balance of noradrenaline, which provides the stimulating effect and to a lesser extent, XTC has an effect on dopamine which, among other things, creates a feeling of happiness.

Many users experience a dip after XTC use. This dip is characterized by feelings of exhaustion and gloom. One person suffers more from this than the other. Because your serotonin reserves are exhausted, your mood is affected. In addition, you may have danced one night, did not sleep and ate little or no food. Your body is therefore exhausted, tired and therefore has no reserves to absorb the 'blow'. Because of the muscle tension that you can experience with XTC and possibly the excessive exercise, people can suffer from muscle pain. The muscle aches and physical exhaustion are gone after a few days. Provided you take enough rest. Mental complaints such as sadness usually disappear after a few days. However, the brain needs longer to replenish the reserves of substances in the brain. This takes around 5 to 6 weeks.

Since XTC negatively influences the balance of substances in the brain and you can deplete your body, a period of 2 to 3 months of rest (not used) between the use of stimulants is recommended. Users who use every month, or more often, will notice that the positive effects of XTC are diminishing.

Xtc is one of the top export products from the Netherlands...
Thank you for reading my blog on XTC source: Druginfoteam NL.

Kind regards,