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RE: The Occasional Zekely

Sports fans in Canada obviously watch American events. Imagine sitting in the middle of a lockdown worrying about rising case numbers and seeing a stadium FULL of unmasked people just a few hours drive south.

Lots of things not making sense and social media is amplifying the fools as much as the prophets.

I learned early on that success is not doing the things you like to do. It is liking the things you HAVE to do. Working for yourself enables you to leverage that freedom a little more by being able to choose your clients not just for monetary gain, but for a culture fit as well.

Hope the family is well old friend.


All is well here, family healthy and happy!
Having the freedom to choose those that align with your interests and standards and not just for the God almighty buck has got to build a relationship of trust and respect.

Good for you for not allowing money to be your only business objective.

Haha took me many years of doing things the wrong way to get here and still working on it.

Pays to have good advisors you trust too.