90mph winds kept me awake, πŸ˜”πŸ˜΄ I need a shopping πŸ› trip for new clothes. πŸ‘–πŸ‘•

in #liife β€’ 2 years ago

I didn't get to sleep until after 4am this morning listening to the winds batter my house. I've never heard wind that strong, the Boom noise it made really scared me. I kept holding my breath hoping it wouldn't blow our windows in. Thankfully it didn't and my house is still standing.

Thankfully we have no damage but the council fence that was very close to us had blown over and our blue recycling bin was blown around our garden.

There had been quite a bit of damage around our town. Lots of trees blown over, roof tiles off and fences damaged.


The wind was supposed to die down around 2am, sadly the forecast was wrong as the wind was still blowing at lunch time. We didn't go out but my daughter did, she went Christmas shopping in Sunderland.

Because I didn't sleep very well In having an off day, brain fog, pain and tiredness. I was supposed to be going out clothes shopping tomorrow but had to cancel, there is a blanket of snow out there now which will freeze overnight making it very slippy which is to dangerous for me to walk on. I'm staying in where I'm safe.

I hate the Winter, If It was possible for me to hibernate until Spring I would. Wrap me up in my quilt with a full belly then let me sleep until the flowers start growing. Perfect sign me up.

As for my shopping trip wren I was going to buy new clothes for my night out with hubbys brothers and there wives will have to be done online, I'll have to order afew things then send them back if they don't look good. I hate buying clothes because every store sizes are bad, they are never the same.

When I was younger living with my parents I used to run a catalogue, you could order loads of clothes try them on then return the ones you don't want only paying for the ones you keep, now you have to pay for them before trying them on then wait for a refund. I used to buy all my wardrobe at once as I also received a commission for what I sold.

My daughter has arrived home safely with her bags of gifts, she now has to hide them upstairs out of the way. I need to do more Christmas shopping, this year I haven't got any interest, I'm usually nearly finished, I have lists made for everything, presents and food shopping, not one list has been started abs can't see one being done any time soon. This year will have to be focused more on TV and treats forget the presents.

I've been asked what I would like for Christmas and my usual answer is nothing, I don't need or want anything so why waste money. I may ask for a donation to be made to my favourite charity DOGS TRUST give those little angels an extra treat this year. I already sponsor 2 dogs every month sending a donation via direct debit.

I am now off to play my weekend game of bingo, it will take my mind off this weather for a little while.

Than you for visiting. πŸ’ŸπŸ’Ÿ

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Wow almost seems like they had a tornado! I can never sleep if there is a bad storm!

I hate winter and hope to get to somewhere warmer someday before I die. I been in this cold-hell for too many decades already!

That's what we are hoping to retire somewhere warmer. Hope you get your 🀞 wish.

I’m glad everyone is OK! Oh my God I don’t even remind me about Christmas shopping this is the first year I start off late!

Its come round to quick.