Open Mobile Browser Tabs #20

in #links2 years ago

Well that was fun, but I've come to the end of my list, I had no idea it would take three weeks, but here we are. I need to find a new format now.

Spacecraft by Timothy Morton
I follow Robin Sloan on insta and he's great at posting samples of interesting books that he's reading to his story - this was one of them, it's kind of a philosophy of spacecraft, like what does the Millennium Falcon mean and what does it tell us about who we are... or something.

The Sun Has Got His Hat On
I wanted to dig this out for the dementia-friendly work I do. It also happens to be a song that I had to play at the last minute at my uncle's funeral a couple of years ago. I had my banjo with me because my cousins had asked me and my Dad to play while their father's coffin arrived at the chapel - and then it turned out that my uncle had wanted the congregation to sing this song, so someone shouted "hey, you with the ukulele! can you play this?" Great funeral! :) The other reason I have to remember it is that it turned out it would be the last time I got to play with my own Dad.

Rest And Wild
My wife sent me this link as an idea for a break for us sometime. I'm attracted to the distance from other people! She's attracted to the hipster glamping vibe.

Harold Nicolson
When war started rumbling earlier in the year, someone recommended this guy's wartime diaries from within government. A contrast to the sorts of people we have "running the country" these days.