WARNING Litecoin traders on Poloniex

in #litecoin7 years ago (edited)

Looks like more market manuiplation this time from poloniex trying the same

notice strength remains in LTC/USD across board with polo pulling down LTC/BTC


Chart showing plunge in 5 min highlighted in blue


I recommend bittrex for exchanges.

bittrex is awesome!
simple UI well laid out and they dont seem to have as much issues as other exchanges there size

poloniex? more like baloney-ex amiright

they have had a lot of issues and found there support and moderation staff quite unprofessional,
hopefully they'll fix there issues but DEX's are the future!

Can bitrex be used in NY State?

I would imagine so is based in US and doesnt have USD onboarding so i would say is ok.
NY is a specific case though so not familiar with law

Darn I had some lite coin and sold early should have kept, this can be frustrating at times...

Dont worry,
will greatly improve,
network has seen tremendous growth in the last 2 months.
should be higher!

You are right there is always hope in the crypto community that's why I love it so much, and that's why I love steemit, good positive people like you :)

no problem,
if you do go in on LTC be careful will see %10 shock next few days

So I should wait until the 10% shock then purchase ? Also how do you know this ?

i would be buying now really shock will happen so fast wont have time and look like another cup and handle formed so upward trajectory incoming!
just a guess by how the markets moving irregularly regularly that someone will try to shake the market and scare people to close early opening up a lot when you think of the increase leverage puts in volume

i literally posted about this at the same time u wrote this!!!


Good idea, now I just need the money lol, tempted to use my credit card to buy through coin base. Thanks for your help, I appreciate it alot! I have some ripple I think that's another interesting alt coin!

litcoin is on the moon soon!

yes much growth litecoin it will see

I stop trading at Poloniex, moved to Bittrex. Be careful guys Poloniex will go out of business soon. Have you seen any new coin listed there recently besides GNO? Why is that? Instead, Bittrex listed a bunch of new projects. The new crypto coin developers know something smells bad at Polo and they are not putting their coins there.

defiantly will have problems and cant scale and when speculation picks up will be disaster

Guy poloniex has been having lots of problems. I would advise to keep your funds off the exchange till things settle down some

ya ive had the problems with withdrawals a few months ago but havent since ill take the risk just so can trade LTC on margin

Never trust poloneix, even only being in the crypto game for a few months iv'e learned how dodgy they are.

ya they are poor with support and have scaling problems but for now is only place to get margin trading on alts

Yeah that's true, i still just think that bittrex is a better site overall.

ya but can they scale when poloniex falls after the flopping
because they've proven they cant
and i think the use a fractional system on funds hence constant "withdrawal" issues

Feel warmly welcomed. Just upvoted you.

If you are interested in investing in new sciences, feel free to follow my blog.


Keep hearing bad things about Poloniex recently. What do you guys use instead?

Bitrex is good for altcoin trading
waves is the future

Thanks for the quick reply checked out your page and dropped you a follow! Check my stuff out if you get a chance
your friend,

i was warning that somebody was trying to dump price to liquidize margin positions,
"notice strength remains in LTC/USD across board with polo pulling down LTC/BTC"

im sorry but please put your tinfoil, market is testing level´s that pulls out shitty stops ,,all the time ,, this is the game

is this??

market plunging within a 5 min interval isnt testing levels its big orders moving market to put forward false decline or get people to close positions or liquidize

I think it will come up to 100$ in this year ;-)

indeed if bitcoin reach 5000 ltc will be there @ $100 if not more thats the next two months

Cool article, just upvoted you.

If you share my interest in science and investment opportunities that come along with it, check out my blog.

Best regards

thanks @meifi51 :)
I do enjoy both those thing especially future technology and chart analysis
i wll check it out but sadly my power is low and am waiting to reach 100% again and have backlog to vote
but in the future:)

Thanks ! Very much appreciated

i don't trust most news about North Korea #fakenews from mainstream media id be skeptical of anything there trying to flood news with.
economic crash incoming!!

Do you believe North Korea launched a two stage ICBM on July 3? That is the most recent news, which seems important.

How big would the conspiracy have to be, for that news report to be false?

I agree by the way that #fakenews is a real issue, and you should question everything you see reported from MSM.



I belive it wasnt an an ICBM but the much shorter distance intermediate-range intercontinental ballistic missile could only reach Japan,
why does it matter other people have them ?
Russia is stepping in anyways forcing talks.
and taking the fact that any story blasted from mainstream media trys to portray a controlled narrative or to distract from other things.
there not trying to inform people of the "threat" from North Korea
same like they weren't trying to inform people of the "threat" from Russia last 15 year

Why does it matter?

In this case it matters because Mr. Kim is an unstable wing-nut and a psychopath.

Check out Sting's song - Hope The Russians Love their Children Too

Point was - Russians had lots of nukes but assuming they loved their children they weren't going to use them in a pre-emptive strike.

Unfortunately same cannot be said about current North Korean dictator