You will find me - Dialogue

in #literature4 years ago

She: Do you realize how beautiful the sunset can be? It is not the loss of a day, but the birth of the night, and knowing that tomorrow it will rise again gives you a gentle hope for life, that, hope.

he: Many times I have passed through this place, however it is with you that it makes some sense, but it would only be one more day, a sunset without importance.



She: Many things happen in our days that go unnoticed just because we don't want to see them, and we focus on things that don't make sense.

he: you're right, walking through these bushes would not be something I would do alone, because I would think of the possibility that a snake appears before you can live and perceive the smell of flowers.

She:: Is it confused with my smell?

He: No, they complement each other.

She: Good to know, if I get lost here, could you track me down with your eyes closed?

he: I can't imagine losing you, I can't make sense of it, but, yes, I could find you.

she: but don't worry, if I ever disappear you can come here, and even if I'm not, through the smell of these flowers, you'll find me.

This is a short literary exercise based on the main image.

