Love or appreciate a riddle? of a toxic relationship

in #literature3 years ago


The story is of the relationship between a woman named Gwen and a man named Amish. The man she met at a café, got involved with and who knew that he had made her feel unworthy.

'She---loved him---honestly---at first'.

She met a man who---acted nice---to set her up---and then ---manipulated that she fell in love with him.

It's the story of a woman---who---thought with her brain---began to notice---and then wound up---seeing the negative signs. However, despite the truth and signs, she stayed in a toxic---badly-acted relationship---with a selfish---maniac man.

It's the story of the two---who---were in love---for about three really good years---and an additional well-choreographed years that was filled with romance and fun. But the story continues---as the man she loved---had some lost respect---as the two cooled off---and in time---they both knew that it was time to part ways.

Make sure you are not involved in a bad relationship. Tell if you are in danger of being in a toxic relationship from the signs below:

  1. Obsesses over you -- You don't feel appreciated, and when you try to talk about it, things get worse. In a relationship, your partner is supposed to see the little things that you do to show you care -- not be discontent with everything you do. If you find that you are always trying to make him or her happy, it may be a sign that your partner does not sincerely care about your feelings.

  2. You are never good enough -- Whatever you do, you are never perfect enough for your partner. You are constantly criticized, and it hurts your feelings on a regular basis.

  3. His or her needs come first -- If your partner's needs come before yours time and time again, this is not a healthy relationship. You should both give and take. Another sign that you are involved in a bad relationship is if your partner is constantly asking you for money.

  4. You are afraid to be alone -- In a relationship, you should know that you are not going to lose your identity and that you will always remain a priority. In fact, your partner should increase your self-esteem by encouraging you to be independent and giving you support when you don't feel self-confident.

  5. You are in an unhappy relationship with your partner's approval -- If you are doing things for your partner that you know in your heart are wrong, you are in an abusive relationship.

  6. You are treated with disrespect and as property -- Do you hear your partner often using the word "my" when referring to you and your relationship? Some examples of this include "my boyfriend," "my husband," "my husband's car," and "my wife." This is one of the clearest signs that you are involved in a bad relationship.

  7. You feel like you need a drink or drug -- Many people will resort to drugs or alcohol to cope with the pain of an abusive relationship, including their feelings of anger, fear, sadness, and guilt.

  8. You feel isolated and lonely -- In an abusive relationship, you will feel like you have lost all of your friends. If your partner is telling you that no one else loves you or that no one else understands you, this is a very serious sign that you are involved in an abusive relationship.

  9. You feel like you have to monitor everything you say -- Do you have to be careful about what you say to your partner out of fear that you will hurt his or her feelings or make him or her angry? You used to be able to talk openly and without fear about anything you wanted to talk about.

  10. You live in fear -- Sometimes fear never truly goes away in an abusive relationship. You might be afraid that if something you do separates you from your partner, you might be harmed. Or you may be afraid of saying or doing the wrong thing and being punished.

  11. Your partner is charming -- One of the most important signs that you are involved in a bad relationship is that your partner can be charming and loving when he or she wants to be. You will feel like this person is your soul mate and that you are the luckiest person in the world, or have met the love of your life. Watch out that a charming person is truly a good person.

  12. You are afraid -- Let's face it, there is a huge difference between fear and healthy concern. In many abusive relationships, a woman feels fearful for her safety, as well as her health and her children's safety, if she leaves.

  13. Your friends and family are concerned about your relationship -- If your partner won't allow your friends and family to talk to you about what they have observed is wrong in your relationship, this is a red flag. Ask your friends if they ever have felt uncomfortable with the way your partner has behaved. Although you may love your partner, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to continue with the relationship, because your friends and family are giving you advice that has merit.