A Conversation Between Me and The Little Prince

in #littleprince3 years ago (edited)


All around the world are lockdown. Covid-19 makes people still stay at home for a long time. So do i. I cannot go anywhere. I can't go to school, can’t meet friends, or playing with them likes before, maybe for an unlimited time, no one knows. Spending a lot of time at home, there should also be a lot of things you can do. But if it happens suddenly, many people are not ready. Including me and my family.

And now, like usually in eight-month passed, I am sitting in my room, trying to do something. I saw a boy stand in front of me, beside my bookshelf. I think I knew who is he. He looks so familiar. He wears a black cotton shirt, short sleeves, high collared, buttoned-down her chest. Long pants, such a matching color. A long palm-wide scarf around his neck. Some of it hung in his chest and back. I knew the motifs on his scarf, it’s called Batik, an Indonesian traditional handcraft. Maybe he just went to the Yogyakarta Palace, met Sultan Hamengkubuwono X, and talk many things.

"What are you doing?" asked him.
"Just try to write something.”
“What are you writing?” He asked me more. He then sat on the carpet, near me.
“Maybe something that can children do in the pandemic time and make them happier,” He looks at me.
“Did children happy because they didn’t need to go to school? They didn't need to wake up earlier in the morning anymore or stay all day in the classroom?" he looked curious.

“I thought so. But staying at home too long is not good for the mental health of the children. Do you know that Covid-19 is the same as the war for children all around the world? Covid-19 is very dangerous for us." He looked a little confused.
“How did it happen? Wouldn’t the earth where you live be better?” said the Little Prince. I nodded my head in agreement. I completely agree with the words of the little prince.
“In the other side. But have you seen how children deal with this pandemic? Everything is not as simple as it seems. Almost like an elephant in the belly of Boa, and many people see it like a hat that can protect you from the sun.”
“I don’t understand,” he replied.

"Along with the pandemic, maybe children can discover new hobbies at home, like cooking, dancing, reading, writing, or learning things from the internet. But, did you know almost 1.6 billion children are affected by the disruption of education and social rights? Since the pandemic, no more face-to-face education, so we need support from the parent. Of course, we need a phone and a good internet connection too. But the problem is, not every child has all of it. So many children got depression. Isn’t it that childhood should be happy for every child?" I tried to explain.

“How it can happen?” The Little Prince ask again
“Of course it caused raising inequality. Can you imagine the impact on children from poor families? Their parents no longer have jobs due to the lockdown. Never mind learning, they even have difficulty eating. And did you know, in any country, they have less food to eat? In another case, there is a disconnect between schools and communities in their social environment. How we can study better? And the minorities get more discrimination. Of course the impact on mental health for the children. Can you see it? I was afraid for the other children around the world,” The Little Prince looked surprised at me.

“So what children or the others can do?" Little Prince asks me.
“Maybe to support that children are an equal partner. Children can change society, too!” I was so excited and The Little Prince was a little shocked.
“First, of course, need to support the economy for the children where life in poor families. We need to develop the local economy where the parents can work, support, and help the children. And of course, it can't stop the rural exodus. In Indonesia, we have Gotong Royong as a village community that supports each other. Second, every family can be starting to support their food production activities at home. I was read an article that India was starting it more years ago. Third, rights to livelihoods and participation for children. Adults need to be ready to listen to children. So children can express themselves. So, all children will feel stronger and will try to help their families."

“I see. But can it do?” The Little Prince asked.
“Of course all that can be done. I am very confident," I answered confidently.
"But of course, the children need more support from all the people around them. We can do it by our self. We have to help each other, and we can start now. Children can not wait for more. Can you help me to tell it to all the people around the world?" I am asking the Little Prince.
"I am not sure," he looked doubtfully
"Is it because adults don't believe children can do it?"
"But children all over the world need help. They are in danger," I tried to convince him.

“How you can start it?" He's like challenging me.
"I will write seriously to convey my voice, children voices to the world." He smiled at me.


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