15 Benefits of Zam-Zam Water for Health (In Science & Spiritual Views)

in #live6 years ago

Water zam-zam is in the city of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is close to the Kaaba, about 38 cubits. Zam-zam is a special drink for Muslims with many health benefits. Water that comes from wells that have not been dry for thousands of years, according to experts there are 30 elements in zam zam water, which has excellent water quality, natural, and hygienic. The zam-zam water looks very clear, with no visible mixture of colors. Water zam zam is often referred to as a miracle for mankind and nature. Mineral content found in zam-zam water is calcium, potassium, selenium, sodium, and chromium. In addition there are natural substances such as chloride, magnesium, sulfate, nitrites, manganese, solids, and organic substances.
imageAt the Grand Mosque of Water Zam-zam Can Be Provided For Free | Image source: Muslim.or.id

The Benefits of Zam Zam Water For Health

  1. Optimizing Body Metabolism Process The body's metabolic function is to change the substances that enter the body such as fat into energy. By generating energy for the body, then the body will have the energy in running activities or daily work. Drinking zam-zam water is useful for the metabolism of the body can run smoothly and optimally, the process of combustion (metabolism) that goes well is also useful to prevent the occurrence of fat deposits on the parts in the body, especially the fragile body parts to store fat namely the thighs, arms, and stomach. The occurrence of accumulation of fat in the body due to slow metabolism of the body. As for the common thing that causes the body's metabolism is running slowly that is less exercise. Mury Kuswari, Indonesian Food Nutrition Expert Manager suggested that Indonesian people can drink zam-zam water one kai once, because of the limitations to be able to get zam-zam water. Drinking water zam-zam should be done before bed at night or morning after waking up. That's according to Mury Kuswari because of the metabolism of the body during high sleep. The minerals of zam-zam water are excellent in maximizing metabolic processes, and they serve to instantly replace the minerals used in metabolism.

  2. Eliminate Hunger (Water Zam-Zam Can Fill) Medically, zam zam water is also free from microorganisms, the existence of microorganisms can reduce the freshness of water. Things like this can be known from the conditions of zam zam wells in the absence of moss growing there. It is very baiik, zam zam water contains two important minerals of calcium and magnesium. Both mineral contents make zam-zam water useful to refresh the body. This can be seen, where the pilgrims who perform various activities of worship so that experiencing fatigue, then just by drinking water zam-zam then it can restore get the body energy menjaidi fit back. Water zam-zam into a water full of blessing, which can refresh, filling, and provide energy for the body. The blessing of this zam-zam water can function like a meal, it can be filling for the person who drinks it. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,

إِنَّهَا مُبَارَكَةٌ إِنَّهَا طَعَامُ طُعْمٍ

"The water of zam-zam is blessed water. Filling food. " [HR. Muslim 6513 and Ibn Hibban 7133]. From Ibn'Abbas radhiyallahu 'anhuma, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said,

خَيْرُ مَاءٍ عَلَى وَجْهِ الأَرْضِ مَاءُ زَمْزَمْ ، وَفِيْهِ طَعَامُ مِنَ الطَّعْمِ ، وَشِفَاءُ مِنَ السَّقَم

"The best water on earth is zam-zam water, it can be a filling food and a cure from disease." [HR. Thabrani in Mu'jam al-Ausath 8129 and almighted al-Albani] Ibn al-Qayyim (751 AH) said, "I found a man who survived a few days with only zam-zam water, about half a month, he tawaf like other humans, even he told me that sometimes he can survive for forty days ever. " [See Zâdul Ma'ād 4/393] Abu Dharr al-Ghifari said, "For 30 days I have no food except zam-zam water. I became fat and my belly fat was gone. I do not get in my heart weakness (because) hungry. " [See Sahih Muslim, 4/1919. See Shahih Sirah Nabawiyah, al Albani, 129.] Shaykh Abdurrasyid Ibrahim (1364 H) said, "I survived a few weeks with zam-zam water to eliminate my hunger. This is a real experience no doubt about him. " [See Fadhlu Māa Zamzam p. 105-106 by Sa'id Bakdasy] Other history of this zam-zam water miracle:

عَنْ جَابِرٍ وَابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللهِ -صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ-: مَاءُ زَمْزَمَ لمِاَ شُرِبَ لَهُ (أخرجه أحمد وابن ماجه)

From Jabir and Ibn 'Abbas, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "Water Zam-Zam, depending on the intention of the person who drank it." [Hadith saheeh. See Irwa-ul Ghalil, al Albani, 1/218.] The water of zam-zam depends on the intention of the person who drinks it, it is a miracle of water zam-zam, if one wishes only God to drink water zam-zam in order to satisfy the body, then this can actually happen.

  1. Water Miracles Zam-Zam Depends on the Intention of People Who Drink it imageMasjidil Haram, Mecca Masjidil Haram, Mecca | Image source: Wikimedia.org

Related to point no. 2 that the privileges and miracles of water zam-zam that can be a bounty of intent or desire conveyed to God. As mentioned a little above, if you drink it while asking only to God for the stomach to be full, then with God's permission the stomach can really full later. Likewise for other things, such as a forgetful person, he can drink the water of zam-zam while pleading with Allah to his memory and his memorization to be strong, then by Allah's permission this can actually happen. Formerly forgetful people can be really powerful memorization. Various stories and stories about water Zam-Zam is very much.

وَعَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا قاَلَ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ الله ِصَلىَّ اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَاءُ زَمْزَمَ لمِاَ شُرِبَ لَهُ إِنْ شَرِبْتَهُ تَسْتَشْفِي شَفاَكَ الله ُوَإِنْ شَرِبْتَهُ لِشَبْعِكَ أَشْبَعَكَ الله ُوَإِنْ شَرِبْتَهُ لِقَطْعِ ظَمْئِكَ قَطَعَهُ اللهُ وَهِيَ هَزْمَةُ جِبْرَائِيلَ عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَمُ وَسُقْيَا اللهِ إسْمَاعِيْلَ عَلَيْهِ السَّلاَمُ
رواه الدارقطني والحاكم وقال صحيح الإسناد
From Ibn 'Abbas Radhiyallahu' anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said: "Water Zam-Zam is in accordance with the intention when drinking it. If you drink it for medicine, may God heal you. If you drink it to relieve thirst, may Allah remove it. The water of Zam-Zam is the excavation of Gabriel, and the drinking of God from Ishmael. " [Hadith hasan li ghairihi. See the book of Shahih Targhib wa Tarhib, al Albani, 2/19.]

وَعَنْ أَبِيْ الطُّفَيْلِ عَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا قَالَ سَمِعْتُهُ يَقُوْلُ كُنَّا نُسَمِّيْهَا شَبَّاعَةً يَعْنِيْ زَمْزَمَ وَكُنَّا نَجِدُهَا نِعْمَ الْعَوْنُ عَلَى الْعِيَالِ (رواه الطبراني في الكبير)

From Abi Thufail, from Ibn'Abbas Radhiyallahu 'anhu, he said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah say," We call Zam-Zam water with shuba'ah (who fills) And we also get Zam-Zam water is the best help ( need for poverty). " [HR. Tabrani. See the book of Shahih Targhib wa Tarhib, al Albani, 2/19.] Ibn Taymiyya said, "A person is desirable to drink Zam-Zam water until it is fully satisfied, and pray while drinking it with the prayers it wishes (free). But not disunnahkan bathing with it (water Zam-Zam). " [See Hajjatun-Nabi, al-Albani, 1/117.]

إِنَّ رَسُولَ اللهِ صَلَّى الله ُعَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ دَعَا بِسِجِلٍّ مِنْ مَاءِ زَمْزَمَ فَشَرِبَ مِنْهُ وَتَوَضَّأَ) رواه أحمد)
From Usamah, that the Messenger of Allah requested to be brought along a brim of Zam-Zam water, then he drank it and performed wudoo with him [HR Ahmad. See the book of Mukhtasar Irwa-ul Ghalil, al Albani, 1/3.]
كَانَ يَحْمِلُ مَاءَ زَمْزَمَ ( فِيْ الأَدَاوِيْ وَالْقِرَبِ وَكَانَ يَصُبُّ عَلىَ الْمَرْضَى وَيَسْقِيهِمْ ) ] . ( حديث صحيح)

Mentioned in the genealogy of Shahihah, it is the

وَعَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا قاَلَ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ الله – صَلَّى الله ُعَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ -: “خَيْرُ مَاءٍ عَلَى وَجْهِ الْأَرْضِ مَاءُ زَمْزَمَ، فِيْهِ طَعَامُ الطَّعْمِ، وَشِفَاءُ السَّقْمِ”،
Messenger of Allaah bringing Zam-Zam water in the pockets of water. He poured and washed it on the sick. [See the book of Silsilah Shahihah, 4/232.]

وَعَنِ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُمَا قاَلَ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ الله – صَلَّى الله ُعَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ -: “خَيْرُ مَاءٍ عَلَى وَجْهِ الْأَرْضِ مَاءُ زَمْزَمَ، فِيْهِ طَعَامُ الطَّعْمِ، وَشِفَاءُ السَّقْمِ”،

From Ibn 'Abbas, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said, "The best of water in the earth is Zam-Zam, in which there is a filling food and antidote." [Hadith hasan. See the book of Shahih Targhib wa Tarhib, al Albani, 2/18.]

: كُنْتُ أُجَالِسُ ابْنَ عَبَّاسٍ بِمَكَّةَ فَأَخَذَتْنِيْ الحْمُىَ فَقَالَ أَبْرِدْهَا عَنْكَ بِمَاءِ زَمْزَمَ فإَِنَّ رَسُوْلَ اللهِ صَلَّى الله ُعَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ قَالَ ( الْحُمَى مِنْ فيَحْ ِجَهَنَّمَ فَأَبْرِدُوهَا بِالْمَاءِ أَوْ قاَلَ بِمَاءِ زَمْزَمَ ) .

From Hammam, from Abi Jamrah ad-Duba`i, he said, "I sat with Ibn 'Abbas in Mecca, when the fever struck me. Ibn 'Abbas said, cool it with Zam-Zam water, for the Messenger of Allah said, actually the fever is from the heat of Hell Hell, then chill with water or water Zam-Zam

  1. Maximize Regeneration of Dead Skin Cells
    In addition to health, zam-zam water also has benefits in maintaining the appearance of body skin. By drinking water zam-zam then the benefits can help meregenerasi dead skin cells to be replaced with the emergence of new skin cells.

Good or smooth the process of skin regeneration is useful to brighten the skin of the body and face. Also bermanfat skin so that the face can be more supple and certainly healthy.

You can drink zam-zam water to get this benefit, or you can wash your face using it. If you can do ablution with water zam-zam, because with wudu then you will be washed face.

By doing so, then all layers of dead skin cells on the body exposed to water zam-zam can be maximally lifted. So that the skin regeneration process can run very smoothly.

  1. Blood Circulation
    The benefits of drinking zam-zam water can smooth blood circulation. As for the occurrence of blood circulation problems in the body due to the accumulation of fat in the blood vessels.

The occurrence of blood buildup in the body due to poor diet, such as frequent eating fatty foods, junk food, fast food types, cholesterol foods, fried foods, and the like. In addition, problems also occur due to rarely exercise.

The occurrence of the problem of blood vessel blockage is a serious thing, because the consequences can cause death.

Well, in addition to improving diet and lifestyle in general, try to drink your zam-zam water because it is so healthy, so the body can avoid dangerous diseases.

  1. Giving Happiness in the Heart

Happyness can arise by drinking water zam-zam, in addition to healthy for the body, drinking water zam-zam can also nourish the heart and soul.

So by drinking water zam-zam can bring a sense of happiness, as well as away from liver diseases such as arrogant, jealous, envy, like angry and others. When drinking water zam-zam intend it, please to God to always put the light of happiness into the heart.

  1. Healthy Bones and Teeth
    In order for bones and teeth can always be healthy and strong then the daily needs of the body will be calcium intake needs to be met. In the water zam-zam contain calcium bermanfat for healthy bones and teeth.

Routine drinking water zam-zam can prevent the occurrence of problems of bone and ggi before premature. In order for bones and teeth can always be healthy then it is also advisable to drink milk rich in calcium content.

  1. Treating Various Diseases
    Medically, zam-zam water consumption will nourish the body and make the body strength stronger, so the body was not susceptible to disease.

As mentioned earlier, that the miracle of water zam-zam is able to grant the wishes or prayers in accordance with the intention when drinking it, the way that is with focus and khusyu when drinking water zam-zam to appeal to God to grant the request.

When someone is sick, then try to drink water zam-zam while intending to plead with God to heal illness suffered.

Try to do this, and be sure to God that prayer will be granted. That's because the initial law of prayer is certain to be granted (sooner or later), provided we really just beg for him, and try to stay away from shirk and immorality.

There are many amazing miracles of this zam-zam water, and even many narrations mention the benefits of treating chronic diseases.

Ibn al-Qayyim said, "I and besides I have tried to seek Zamzam water on various diseases, I finally found a marvelous miracle, and I got healing with Allah's permission."

[See Zâdul Ma'ād 4/393]

Narrated by Taqiyuddin al-Fasii that an employee of the Grand Mosque named Ahmad Sharifi had drunk zamzam water with the intention of getting healing from the blindness experienced by him, then finally he was healed from the blind that befell him.

[See Syifāul Ghirām 1/255]

Narrated al-Azraqi that there is a person who eats, then there is a needle (on the food) so that the needle faltered in his throat, as if he was about to die, then he drank zamzam water (by asking Allah for help), finally pain the experience is gone, and the problem is solved.

[See Akhbār Makkah 2/35]

Various stories or stories about the miracle water zam-zam is very much mentioned by the scholars and historians of Islam throughout history.

Even al-Qazwini said, "The water of zamzam is efficacious for all sicknesses, even if all the people healed by the doctors are gathered, certainly not more than half the people healed by God through zamzam."

[See the book 'Ajāibul Makhlūqāt p. 93]

However, the miracle of zam-zam water can be obtained with the condition of sincere intention and rely solely on God alone.

So do not just try it or there is a doubt in the heart of the omnipotence of God. Indeed, Allah loves those who put their trust (rely only on Allah), this is as described in Ahkāmul Qur'ān 3/1124 by Ibnul Arabi.

  1. Providing Energy for Pregnant Women
    Body condition Pregnant women during pregnancy often experience fatigue. Drinking zam-zam water can help to overcome fatigue in pregnant women, which can be an additional energy for pregnant women.

Besides drinking zam-zam water will also be very refreshing body and can grow the spirit in self, such thing is important for pregnant women.

  1. Nourish the Fetus in Gynecology
    The fetus in the womb of pregnant women is in need of adequate nutrition, that's why pregnant women are emphasized to eat nutritious foods, because this is also for the good of the baby in the womb.

If you can get pregnant women to drink the original zamzam water from Mecca (if buying the abal-abal is just a lie). The content in zam-zam water has a higher nutrient than plain white water. Which later to nourish the fetus in the womb, for maximum growth.

  1. Strengthening the uterus when pregnant
    The uterus is where the fetus grows, the condition of a strong uterus is very important that the process of pregnancy for 9 months can run well.

Besides also for pregnant women can still activities well. As for if the condition of the womb of pregnant women is not strong, it must be careful because if brought to do heavy work can cause a miscarriage.

Drinking zam-zam water is useful to nourish and strengthen the womb of pregnant women, and in general to nourish the body of pregnant women.

  1. Having Anti-Germ
    The study, conducted by Saudi Arabia, found that in water zam-zam contained fluoride substances which can be used as an anti-germ agent, which serves to eliminate or kill germs.

In addition, the substance in the water zam-zam is natural and without any additional chemicals by humans, it is certain that the benefits can be obtained from the content can be maximized.

The zamzam well, which is the zam-zam springs, is in no way overgrown with moss and other destructive microorganisms, which makes zam-zam water the best in the world.

  1. Preventing Osteoporosis
    Drinking zam-zam water on a regular basis can help to prevent the risk of osteoporosis. Research on the benefits of zam-zam water is done by researchers from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung.

Osteoporosis disease occurs due to the body lack of calcium intake. This disease causes health problems in Indonesia especially in adulthood and elderly.

Zamzam water mentioned researchers have a high calcium mineral content, so it can be relied upon as an alternative to prevention of osteoporosis.

Researchers mentioned that the calcium content in zam-zam water is between 300 mg / L to 340 mg / L, whereas regular mineral water (generally) has only a calcium content of 28 mg / L to 32 mg / L.

This is what causes people who drink zam-zam water can be fit, but with high calcium is beneficial to maintain bone strength.

  1. Explanation of the Benefits of Zam-Zam Water Yahya Koshak, Dr. Knut Pfeiffer, etc.
    According to Dr. Yahya Koshak, a scientist from Mecca, zam-zam water is very clean from germs and bacteria. Researchers do testing on zam-zam water using ultraviolet light, the result is known that the water zam-zam is not found any germs and bacteria.

If examined from the chemical side, based on Saudi Geological Survey, zam-zam water has alkaline content of pH 7.9-8.0. So zam-zam water is included in alkaline water that has no color (looks very clear) and has no odor, but has a different taste from other water.

Alkaline water contains important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, silica, potassium, bicarbonate. There is a high content of bicarbonate in zam-zam water that is 366mg / l.

This makes zam-zam water the purest water in the world, even compared with water from the Alps that has a content of 357mg / l of bicarbonate.

In addition, in the water zam-zam found in the compound chloride, fluoride, nitrate and sulfate. Various compounds are needed for the body.

With its various essential ingredients, zam-zam water has many benefits of lowering high blood sugar levels, treating diabetes, preventing alzheimer, and preventing liver disease.

Then, German scientist Dr. Knut Pfeiffer, who is the head of the largest medical center in Munich, Germany, reveals that zamzam water can be amazing to increase body energy.

In addition, Mury Kuswari, Executive of Indonesian Food Nutrition, mentions the benefits and greatness of drinking water zam-zam, namely:
Make the body more fresh because zam-zam water will be high in mineral content.
Nourish and treat disorders of the stomach.
Balance the body fluids very well, because zam-zam water contains potassium and sodium.
Healthful and strengthening bones due to high zam-zam water of calcium.
In general make the body healthier after drinking water zam-zam.
Easily absorbed by the body.

  1. Explanation of Dr. Masaru Emoto from Hado Institute Tokyo About Zam-Zam Water In a book entitled 'The Qur'an vs. Modern Science According to Dr. Zakir Naik 'by Ramadhani, and his team, in it mentions a study conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto from Hado Institute Tokyo, a Japanese scientist. Research conducted Dr. Masaru Emoto in 2003 found a miracle in zam-zam water. The study was conducted by taking over two thousand examples of water crystals from around the world. Dr. Masaru Emoto says that water can record messages. The message conveyed will be recorded by water molecules, which then when the water is drunk it will propagate into the body, where it can influence the water molecules in the body as a whole.

imageZam-zam water in bottles | Image source: Okaz.com.sa

This becomes a little bit of knowledge to us why the air that a good prayer is sharing can benefit, such as heal and so on.

Masaru Emoto also in his book entitled "The True Power of Water" says that from the number of molecules under study, it is known only in regularly shaped zam-zam air.

The researchers found that zamzam air has a unique, hexagonal-shaped molecular structure. Where a zam-zam air molecule crystal can break apart into a messy message message.

Therefore, the minimum thing that needs to be said in order to get zam-zam air efficacy and blessing, namely say Bismillah before drinking it.

The Zam-Zam Water Was Defamed Several Times In Europe

In 1304 H, the British consultant in Jeddah published a research test on zam-zam air. In their statement, they get air zam-zam from a Muslim who works at a consultant.

After a test on the air, then make a statement full of malice, "Actually zam-zam air contains many harmful bacteria and viruses of cholera, even more zam-zam air than air."

Then the skewed opinion about this zam-zam air to the general public. That was the time when the Ottoman Empire was still established.

When the caliph of that time, Shulthan Abdul Hamid ats-Tsani (1263-1339 H) knew the tedious statement, he quickly sent a professional doctor to Mecca, to directly conduct research on zam-zam water, the result is known that water zam-zam unlike what the English consultant reported.

Thereafter, the Ottoman Empire made a formal rebuttal to the British consultant, part of it:

"The water bearer you tested is a Jew who pretends to be a Muslim, he takes water for you, not water zamzam. Then your test results are true of the water that he's carrying, but it's not zamzam water. We have tested the original zam-zam water, and it turns out that the result is clean without being found in it contained harmful substances or cholera diseases. "

The document of the English Consultant's statement and its denial was kept in the form of a manuscript in Turkish. The manuscript was once published in Arabic in Liwāul Islām Magazine, Cairo, 2nd ed., Dhul-Hijjah 1367 H. (See Fadhlu Māa Zamzam pp. 163-164 by Sa'id Bakdasy)

Then, in 1971, a doctor from Egypt said there was bad news in Europe that zam-zam water was rumored to be unhealthy and safe.

The reason is because zam-zam water that comes from the city of Mecca, is below the sea surface line. Where they say that the water of zam-zam comes from the wasted water of the exiled Meccan society, then carried along with the rain, then appears in the lake zam-zam.

This news was later known by King Faisal who then quickly asked for an investigation on this issue. Even samples of zam-zam water are sent to many laboratories in Europe for all to be tested.

History repeats itself, in the present time, a well-known media in the UK, the BBC on May 5, 2011 mentions that zam-zam water is already contaminated with harmful substances. Even the BBC says that drinking zamzam water can cause cancer.

In response, the Saudi authorities immediately stated that the BBC's report was a mistake. The BBC news is fueling excitement for Muslims around the world, but the condition is calm after an official statement from Zuhair Nawab, Saudi Arabia's Central Geological Survey (SGS), which stated that the BBC allegations are untrue.

Even SGS agencies often assert that they already have good steps to ensure the safety of Zamzam water wells. Where the water quality Zamzam will continue to be monitored his condition every day.

There has been a lot of evidence of hatred of people who do not like Islam who throw all slander about this zam-zam water. Saudi Arabia's Minister of Haj Foreign Affairs explained that the allegations are "public defamation" launched by those who hate Islam. He asserted that zamzam water management is always monitored daily, and has gone through a long process of experts in the field.

In addition, if we look at history, then look at the facts of water zam-zam from the first, whether mengonsumsinya cause pain? Or even cancer pain as alleged?

In fact, many people who recover from illness after drinking zamzam water.

Uniqueness and Privileges of Zam-Zam Water

Unlike mineral water in general, zamzam water has a positive ionic composition such as:
Calcium (200 mg per liter)
Magnesium (50 mg per liter)
Sodium (250 mg per liter)
Potassium (20 mg per liter)

The negative ion compositions are phosphate (0.25 mg per liter), sulfur (372 mg per liter), bicarbonates (366 mg per liter), nitrate (273 mg per liter), and ammonia (6 mg per liter).

With these ingredients that make a distinctive taste in the water zam-zam, which also provide an important health benefits.

Another thing, for thousands of years zam-zam wells never dry, even the water never runs out despite being used by millions of humanity. Especially when the pilgrimage season arrives.

This is miraculous because it is difficult to enter the logic where the zam-zam well is a surface area of ​​only 3-4 meters wide and 30 meters depth, so it can be said this is a very small well to produce so much water to meet the needs of millions of people.

Where to know, that on one haj season there are more than 2 million people each carrying 5-20 liters of water zam-zam. Although taken continuously but the well zam-zam the water is never exhausted.



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