Stop Reacting To 3D!!!

in #loa2 years ago


How To Stop Reacting To 3D

There is a bit of a misnomer with the "ignoring 3D" concept. A lot of law of attraction folks get this a little confused. "Ignoring 3D" does not actually mean "IGNORE 3D". It just means stop reacting emotionally to it. And assigning it meaning.

That's it. There is nothing more to it. I mean, if you've got broken toe, you gotta go get that looked at. You don't ignore it. But if that broken toe is keeping you from playing in the All Star championships, the trick is to literally turn the emotional response to it into something different than you normally would.

For me it means to take focus off the thing that is bothering me, and focus it on something else I know makes me super happy. Or at least, a lot less miserable.

And I swear to God, this works every time. I'm not saying the result is always instantaneous or automatic. There are some things that I have a little more attachment to, or resistance toward believing in the opposite.

But it shortens the life span of the issue that is bothering me. By a long shot.

When we focus our energy, our thoughts, our feelings, and our attention on the thing that bothers us, then we are effectively REINFORCING that belief, and CREATING the reality that might unfold because of that belief.

We may not necessarily have a belief that we have a broken toe. We may just have a belief that we don't deserve to play in the championship. And when we focus on that broken toe and how devastated we are that we can't play, it is the NOT PLAYING that is generating the negative emotion. Not the broken toe.

See the difference?

The emotion comes from the MEANING. Who cares about the actual broken toe. It'll be fine in a few weeks. But missing that game...that's the bigger issue. In fact, perhaps we have a belief that we are going to fail, or screw up in the game, or not meet the expectations of the coach or the parents. And broken toe has now become our friend, even though we are disappointed.

Focusing on the disappointment of the broken toe has reinforced "I cannot play in the game" which tells our subconscious it has succeeded in removing us from failure.


The issue itself may not come true, but the emotion behind it, and the beliefs about it, certainly will.