An Old Man Enters The Arena ("Cyber Pirates versus Werewolf Ninja Contest Entry" of the Logiczombie community!)

in #logiczombie4 years ago (edited)

The old man #LOGICZOMBIE

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This story is part of the "Cyber Pirates versus Werewolf Ninjas" contest of the logic zombie community The Logic Zombie Community

This fictional story is written in freestyle, then edited and may contain similar events which happened in reality.

The old man was transported from ancient Siam to Magahat and entered the new waist lands of the zombie wars. It was everywhere. Many did not know their lands laid in ruins. And didn't know that that most had already been destroyed and infected by corruption. But there was still hope in the lands of Magahat. You could tell by the old man's scars, he had been in many wars, he didn't react like anybody, he didn't even react to the to the destruction which was everywhere. He looked young but was older then most and people knew when he entered a room, this was something entirely different. Some got scared, some got confused, some got excited, some didn’t notice and some felt threatened. The highest order of the cyber pirates, the sentinels got nervous and arrogant, the ninjas thought he was one of them. This old man was no cyber pirate nor was a werewolf ninja but had similarities of both. He could guess their moves beforehand, he immediately knew none of the large groups would accept this, he seemed part cyber pirate and part ninja. Nobody had seen this before, but what was he? He carried his battle scars without pride, did not care what other people thought but only what his eyes could see. He lived in the domain of none-words and had become immune to most spells. He had been fighting for so long he couldn't remember normality but luckily his instinct had never changed.

The Holy Bar Fight in Magahat

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He had heard about Magahat during the wars in Valhalla, the battle of the gods, it was supposed to be a paradise, a land of freedom and great wealth for all, but when he arrived it was not there. The old man got pulled from the war of the gods and got sent to Siam to recover from some of the evilest of spells which most did not survive. Another spell of the gods led him to Magahat which laid half in ruins, but most did not know. After arriving, unpacked his bags, had a coffee. He discovered Magahat by foot, after his exploring, he was tired and entered the Holy Ground Bar of Magahat, little did he know this bar was a timeout zone for the cyber pirates and werewolf ninja to recover... as he walked in and tried to order food, most looked up upon and didn't understand what they saw, the builders took no notice, but the cyber pirates and werewolf ninjas stared at the old man.

The first cyber pirate thought this was nothing and threw a beer at him to prove a point, but before the beer reached its target like a ninja the beer glass cut was cut in half by a sword they didn’t even see and a set of 5 gunshots went off before the glass hit the ground. The cyber pirate was damaged but lived. He was no cyber pirate nor was he a werewolf ninja so no charges were given. They wanted to understand this old man, why was he so different, what did he know they wondered and were stunned, most did not know how to react to this old man smiling all the time. Many didn't understand this old man but some did.

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Everybody was quiet... who are you one ninja asked, he replied "Just a man passing through". Most of the builders got scared and did not understand,. as they had become used to getting beer glasses thrown to them, the pirates quickly took advantage of that. The Ninjas smiled.

Some of the ninjas welcomed him, the rest were stunned, this had never happened.

The Wars of Magahat

As the old man walked the streets of Magahat, he realized the battle of Valhalla had reached Magahat, how could this be? he wondered. After the bar incident things around him changed rapidly, the lady at the shop wouldn't serve him, people looked at him differently, he understood this immediately. It had happened before. But couldn't care less, so he struck another cyber pirate down who acted rude, at first the ninjas stood with him but after the holy bar fight something happened, the ninjas left but he carried on fighting, and the builders kept building until it became quiet and he stood alone. He screams, fight mee!!!!!!!!!! fight mee!!!!!!! Nobody would engage as he realized, the leaders of both the cyber pirate and the werewolf ninjas gave the orders but why he wondered?

Empty battle fields

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The cyber pirates were almost wiped out by the ninjas during the wars and the remaining survivors converted to werewolf ninjas, as the leaders liked the old man's knowledge and used it to their advantage. Respect was given. But as he walked from one battlefield to the next the battle field to see the field empty as he arrived and returned quickly after he left. All of a sudden the old man could not move and was entangled in a web, as he was entangled he screamed, WHO ARE YOU? He heard a long laugh, there was something in the laugh he recognized but wasn't sure what it was, it could not be, he thought... here is a sword and all sounds disappeared, The old man did not see a thing.. but was given the sword of logic.

The Battle of Champions

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The old man smiled, looked up at the sky and took a big whiff of the air. He paused and walked towards the smell of battle. He knew he was being watched, he walked slowly towards the battle field. As he reached the arena he started to speed up his pace, from walking real slow, he started jogging, from jogging he started to run towards the arena, before he reached the arena he was going so fast that he ran through the guards and could not stop him, he smashed through the gates and started to laugh loud. Then he paused, looked around, could not see any danger, he walked to the mightiest warrior of the cyber pirates and smiled, taste the sword of logic! The space pirate champion, full of confidence engaged arrogantly, the final battle began, the mightiest cyber pirate used one of his lesser spells, thinking that would be the end of the old man. The old man smiled and used his own spell against him, this made the mighty cyber pirate furious as his unleash all of his power to stop this old man, the old man evaded every single attack, they could not get a scratch, finally after days of battle the cyber pirates gave up and then the old man, struck him down with one final blow, it was as if he wasn't even trying. The cyber pirates mightiest was stuck down so easily, played with as a toy, the cyber pirates were overrun, heart broken, some flew away like butterflies, the ninjas joined in the battle and the battle was over.

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After the battle he stood alone but did not know what to do next, most of the cyber pirates had been defeated, many left and few stayed behind. The Ninjas were gone. The old man could sense them but didn't bother to play their games.

He looked around and in the distance he could see somebody that looked like him but immediately walked the other direction without thinking, as he walked away as he thought it was an oasis like in the desserts of Valhalla, it could not be.

The old man rested after the battles, and after sometime an electronic doorway opened back to the battle of Valhalla, the largest battlefield of the zombie wars, he returned with new weapon and knowledge from the battles of Magahat and engaged with a furious strike, entering 100 battlefields of all the fractions at once. Battling groups of mutants, vampires, pirates, corrupted ninjas, all obliterated by casting the mightiest of all spells. Logic.

He walked away silently but left a weapon @newworldfreedom

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He whispered "We are all being deceived"

New World Freedom

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#LOGICZOMBIE "Cyber Pirates versus Werewolf Ninjas" Contest

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Small update: When writing I didn't realize that Magahat meant "Make America Great Again", used it from another entry. I'm no Trump supporter, I had hopes in the beginning (about 0,1%) but after Venezuela coupe attempt and after he forgot about Wikileaks, I knew he was one of them. I do like the term though.

The US Demoskratia is no more.

New World Freedom

P.s. Last time "they" fooled me was with Obama, remember that "Change". Now we need some Real Goddamn Change.


Also this,

The old man could sense them but didn't bother to play their games.

He looked around and in the distance he could see somebody that looked like him but immediately walked the other direction without thinking, as he walked away as he thought it was an oasis like in the desserts of Valhalla, it could not be.

"Battling groups of mutants, vampires, pirates, corrupted ninjas, all obliterated by casting the mightiest of all spells. Logic."

Hey, something I just have to mention. If I could change my entry , i would change the most powerful spell to truth instead of logic. Or mention in a possible part two, that there was another weapon, just as powerful as logic, "truth", a truth-zombie if you will. :)

Of course.

I do believe truth is important, but the (critical) ability to discern truth from non-truth requires LOGIC.

They go hand in hand ;)

But truth is one of it's fundaments, if you want to build something strong, you better have a strong fundament, logic is nothing without truth and truth is nothing without logic.

The idea of "truth" is quite a bit more distorted than logic.

For example, one of the most fundamental tools employed by CON-ARTISTS, is the easy conflation of "truth"-"fact" and OPINION.

Some do attempt to conflate LOGIC and INCOHERENCE, but it's a much more difficult trick to accomplish.

Yeah i agree, grew up with most of them, maybe thats why im a little bit good at detecting the bullshit 🤣 hahahahaha, you right

Detecting BS is a primary function of LOGIC.

Absolutely right, when you talk about humanity until modern times, we are a species of con artists, just getting worse, evolution by lies. ahahahahahaha

Which also makes us weak in my opinion, i understood the name logiczombie immediately btw, i also imprinted keep your word in my mind, so that makes you double check things, triple check em non stop until you know. Then move on.

Like words, don't except the definition, evolve the word by apply logic, why? Then another hundred why's? and if it doesn't mount to reality, there might be some inaccuracies.

By keeping in mind we have probably reached 0,001% of knowledge, and that we are all unknowing, keeps an open mind, and a advantage.

i understood the name logiczombie immediately btw, i also imprinted keep your word in my mind, so that makes you double check things, triple check em non stop until you know. Then move on.

I'm glad to hear it.

So Maroccan conartists, Maroccans are basically dessert people as we are forrest people... so in dessert, you need to survive at all costs. They have some natural skills, similar to Irish actually, also predominantly O bloodtype. Check Ireland, its ABO groups are similar to those of Africa :D

But anyway, they use Maroccan eye trick, ive seen 13 years old use this to scare the fuck out of a 35 year old, like hyenas, they can trigger fear. But all and all good people, typical O.

Many cultures have long-held traditions of "the evil eye", it does sort of "level the playing-field".

I look back at this and think lol, i wrote that.... this was my first fiction story, I'm more encyclopedia kind of nerd

That makes it even more impressive.

Thanks, I got shitloads of torrents man. :D

Made some last edits, the edits take the most time.

Excellent choice of images to complement your story!

I've often imagined that the "sword in the stone" story as a metaphor for LOGIC.

For centuries, people have wished to wield it to their (personal) advantage, but they couldn't manage to coax it from the paralyzing gravity of history.

I like to think the "trick" is to let the LOGIC act on its own, instead of trying to bend it to one's "will".

And this is phenomenal,

The old man rested after the battles, and after sometime a doorway opened to the battle of Valhalla, the largest battlefield of the zombie wars, he returned with new weapon and knowledge from the battles of Magahat and engaged with a furious strike, entering 100 battle fields of all the fractions at once. Battling groups of mutants, vampires, pirates, corrupted ninjas, all obliterated by casting the mightiest of all spells. Logic.

I also got the idea that the land was half-destroyed, but the inhabitants had lived there so long they thought it was supposed to look that way and didn't even realize there were any problems to be fixed.

In fact, they might even attack the builders, thinking they were trying to "destroy" or "change" their perfect homes.

Small update to the entry.

Thanks for the note, I'm investigating.

Looks like a good second draft.

Break the stone, then take the sword.

No need to break anything, the sword is as light as a feather when you're not trying to force it.

...And with a little effort, you can make perfect copies!

Have to break the stone, for me the sword is symbol to human knowledge, or human power and the stone is symbolic for baboons withholding it in place and for themselves. Yet, they can barely control the power of sword, they don't understand the power of the sword and use it for destruction, even the destruction of themselves.

In staid of them controlling the sword, the sword has even taken power of them. That what happens if you want it too much and too quick.

We have to break the stone and free humanity.

We have to break the stone and free humanity.

Probably, but we don't need to break it all at once.

Probably, but we don't need to break it all at once.

No, but lets start with the most important ones like real leadership, real democracy, real free press, real stock market, real news, real medicine, real food, real water, real bloody everything.

We have a lot of work todo. Not about doing it all at once but getting the most important components right in a fitting order. From the top down sounds good but in reality it's more like moving to top to the center.

Leadership would be a good place to start, fix that one, you fix the rest, also law is broken and encrypted, needs to be made accurate, understandable, more effective.

I see a FUBAR situation right now. Off balance and blind.





I think the old man took too much of the battle, the real battle which the zombies could not see, but he could easily see by turning of his brain and simply using his eyes.

That would make them an ISFP.

May possibly be a A blood type thing by the way, they tend to see more details and be more analytical, really means evolved farmer.

As the A bloodtype evolved through farming about 20.000 years ago about 20.000 years ago.

That sounds interesting.

Quite accurate, but it's simpler than that and still the wrong word to describe something that is I feel.

I stick to the word human, the rest irrelevant and confuses the f out of everybody.

By the 21st century humanity created millions of description words until humanity forgot the most important description word. "Human"

I agree it's important to remember +proHUMAN

But you might want check this out if you get a chance,

There's no goofy sign-up and they offer multiple languages.

No, I'm sorry I've seen better tests out there, like Asian police eyes, these guys will look in your soul and you have no idea how much they know. But for me this was never a problem, I'm really fond of the Asian police by the way. They are chill.

But also, it's a very Western way of looking at things, using western words which need more in dept research about.

you see in the West our drive has to survive has been the strongest, we need the best, give me the ultimate best, nothing less, we need the best. Me too, really, Only logical, we needed to survive in the ice for centuaries, it's deep in my cells too, we need the best, but what if the best way is just good?

Since somebody mentioned I've been thinking about that for over a year, I still don't fully get it. But I will, it's the best way.

It's only measuring the you in this reality, but not the actual thing, get me ?

I'll save Moroccan test methods for another time.... :D

I'll save Moroccan test methods for another time.... :D

I'm looking forward to that.

...but what if the best way is just good?

Or perhaps as the Buddhists say, "the middle path".

Or perhaps as the Taoists say, "the path of least resistance".


It's just human, it's good enough already, no need to change the word, Let me check it out :D