fiercely loved

in #love4 years ago (edited)

I duct taped my dead bolt for a couple of days and slept with the couch pushed against the door after finding my door mysteriously unlocked twice. I wondered if I was doing something wrong. Can the weather unlock a deadbolt? Friends visited and helped me change my locks immediately. My former roommate may have not turned in all his keys as he said. After a great run of meeting wonderful and interesting people to be my roommate, I hit a bad egg. I haven’t met one of those in a long while.

One of my adult students, reiki’d me and my home. I feel like the rough patch covered me with burrs. Friends and family showed up to make my home more secure and safe. Others far away across the country and across the ocean, sent their prayers.

After two weeks of silence, I finally played the piano. I gave a fresh coat of paint to my kitchen and my students’ February gifts of flowers and refrigerator art gave a new vibe and force field to my home.

My student gave me a rose quartz to bring comfort to my heart and my acupuncturist did body work on me to target trauma. I was experiencing waves of anxiety and sleeping at best three hours a day.

I was greatly moved by the extra hugs and visits by friends. I rarely ask for help. I took care of what I could by myself but some things are easier with an extra hand to hold a screwdriver or a flashlight.

S: “Awesome, we got it sorted together and it only took 20 minutes! I’ve never put a deadbolt on. We got to learn together.”

J: “Here. This is another security measure that’s a great deterrent to keep the bad wolf away.”

A: “Hey girlie, I can come over. I’m good with tools.”

JNET: “Great. A drill will be needed for the next project.”

In the midst of having an anxious heart, little sleep, and not knowing if I should cry, (I’m not a cryer.) the brief visits and calls from friends fortified me.

I felt not only loved but fiercely loved.