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RE: It All Started With a Phone Call

in #love β€’ 7 years ago

I looooooove this story! Wish I could upvote it 500%. Resteemed, at least. How is this time of year for you, if you don't mind my asking...? Hugs 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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Awwwwww... Love going your way!
I'm pretty good. It would have been our 22nd anniversary this week. I've been filled with moments of sadness, crazy missing him (I swear it's worse now than it was last year) and sweetness as I used this week to share this story...

Love heading back to you! πŸ€—πŸ˜˜πŸ€—

You explain it well, but I still can't really imagine what the roller coaster of emotion is like for you - I find the teenagers' favourite word (unfair!) welling up when I think about it. I know that it is what it is and fairness doesn't come into it, but that doesn't stop it feeling unfair especially around special dates like anniversaries. Anyway, @dalerog, TFAY, you have my admiration and love πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“.

Thank you, my very special friend.

There are moments that smack you right in the face, others that punch you in the gut and others that leave you smiling. I was just chatting with a friend who lost her husband a year or so before I did. I went to school with Guy and knew him well (met her through him, actually). She had posted that she was missing him more two years in - now I get it. C'est la vie. And yeah... UNFAIR! But then again, what is?

Oh are some more 😘😘😘😘😘, just because.

AND! Life is still beautiful 'coz there are folks like you in it and part of mine! xoxoxo