in #love7 years ago


What's done is done and what's gone is gone. One of life's most valuable lessons is learning how to let go and move on. Looking back at your good memories is fine but never let the past stop you from moving forward. -*Anonymous

Just quick short story of how the above quote stood with me forever

During one of the breaks in school, I met this guy who I really liked and spent so much of my free time with. In no time, we got used to each other. He is really interesting and intelligent. We discussed and argued about everything and about anything, Politics, family, religion, views about life, friendship, our core values and basically all what looks like our vantage points.
We shared our past memories of the good and the bad moments, our deep and darkest secrets, we got all emotional together, cried on each other's shoulders, kissed but sex was never involved because we wanted to be sure of what we had for each other, we didn't want to rush things and ruin everything with sex. We took the slow and steady route.


It happened one day I was going through a PDF file on his phone and a buzz interrupted my work. On the first impulse, I thought of attending to it. But then I realized it was none of my business to intrude. After all, we were a match made in heaven and trusts was the motto of our relationship. On a second thought, I decided to open and read it out so he could hear. Not for anything sinister but as a gesture of what open communication is about.
The content of the message was shocking. Yeah! I was shocked because the message revealed that he had been lying all the while, he lied about us, lied that we ever felt anything for each other. I was just a tool for him, I was simply the other girl. The girl whom he escapes to for comfort and redefinition of focus.
I confronted him right there, at first he was going to deny but he later told me the bitter truth. I never wanted the truth, all I needed was a good lie to make me think otherwise of him. But it was too late, he told me he was in a relationship with the girl he calls his bestie and he's been dating her ever since their year 2 on campus. He's currently in his finals while I'm just in my penultimate year.
He said he never planned to tell me because he believed I wouldn't find out about them and he was going to keep me. I was broken, I wanted to cry but I couldn't find the tears. There was nobody to console me. I soaked everything in all and left his place hurriedly.


He kept calling me on my way home but i ignored the rings. I needed a place to get myself together, I needed my pillow that harbours most of my pains. And when I'm done filling my bin with tissues, I could get to face the world again stronger and bold. After several calls, I decided to pick, he apologized for being unfair to me, he apologized for leading me on and he finished by saying that he truly loved me.

He left me wondering if love is the same as lust and if love is the same as infatuation. He left me confused trying to figure out how possible it is to be in love with two ladies at the same time.

I didn't understand why he still wanted a relationship with me when he is so much in love with this other girl and he is not ready to let her go and also let me go.

I came to a conclusion that I wasn't the confused one, he was.

Really, this wasn’t what I panned to make on my second blog post, but I felt is been like ages since the last time I made my introductory post. And truth be told, I’d wanted to make some posts nevertheless but life’s demands in other areas also needs attention. Now I feel great to say I’m back to roll and dine with my newly found set of lovely steemians. I must say that I do appreciate the upvotes you gave me on my introductory post.

Thank you for reading and I will like to read your thoughts on this….

He left me wondering if love is the same as lust and if love is the same as infatuation. He left me confused trying to figure out how possible it is to be in love with two ladies at the same time.


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