by The Missing Link on The Missing Link
Forensic Arborist Robert has studied the plant kingdom for 48 years. Became a professional Botanist along the way. Was a certified Arborist fir 20 years, but in the last 7 years became a Forensic Arborist. My own term. Have backpacked most of the Sierra Nevada in calif, and summited over a 130 mtns. Mostly cooked on campfires. Also have made campfires from Sea level to approx 12,000 ft. Very familiar with what woods burn more then others and leaf combustibility.. I'll be speaking about my forensic analysis of 36 forest fire aftermaths and the 97 trips to them all. Speaking about effects on the trees at all locations. Especially the higher water holding capacity trees. Also other materials that didn't burn that should have. Rubber, synthetics, plastics, wood fences and decks etc. And also why metals are on fire.. Microwave/electric fires.
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Barrie Trower told everything you need to know about micro waves.
When making an interesting comment like that, please expand on your argument!
1:56:00 "I don't know what nationality they are. I would guess French."
I would guess International Jew, Sephardic-Mizrahi Canaanite division (mixed with white).
I might be mistaken tho. He did mention that they could be Russian or Scandinavian also... Frightening information.